(A)   License applications. Any person or persons, firm, or corporation desiring to conduct, maintain, or operate any public dance hall within the city shall make application to the City Council for permission therefor, which application shall state location of the room, place, hall, or building; the name of the person or persons intending to operate the same; if a corporation, the names of the president, secretary, and treasurer thereof; and, if by a partnership, the names of the persons constituting same. Such application shall state the length of time of which license is applied. If the application shall be considered favorably, the City Finance Officer shall issue a license to such applicant upon payment of license fee hereafter provided.
(Prior Code, § 5.16.030)
   (B)   Fee. The license fee to be paid for such a license shall be $25 per year.
(Prior Code, § 5.16.040)