It is unlawful for any person or persons to sell, serve, or otherwise distribute alcoholic beverages on public property without first having applied for and having received a permit issued by the city. The application shall include the exact location of the premises, the area of the premises, and how access to the area will be controlled. The area of the Community Center to which alcoholic beverages may be distributed must be at least ten feet from the front entrance to the Grand Hall and at least 65 feet from the stage area. It may also be distributed from the serving window of the kitchen. If a permit has not been approved and/or received for selling, serving, or otherwise distributing of alcoholic beverages, a fine of $250 shall be applied.
(Prior Code, § 5.08.100) (Ord. 95-5, passed - -; Ord. 09-10, passed 9-3-2009) Penalty, see § 112.99