(A)   It is unlawful within the city to engage in, pursue, or transact any business, trade, calling, profession, occupation, or avocation or to do any act or carry on any business within a residential area without first obtaining a conditional use permit (CUP). Any person required to obtain a license under this chapter shall submit an application to the City Finance Officer.
   (B)   Uses permitted with requirements are:
      (1)   Daycares within a home; required to provide the following:
         (a)   Signatures from 80% of the neighboring properties within 100 feet of the property line;
         (b)   A copy of a state sales tax license; and
         (c)   A copy of any required state license to operate such business.
      (2)   Hair salons within a home; required to submit the following:
         (a)   Signatures from 80% of the neighboring properties within 100 feet of the property line;
         (b)   A copy of a state sales tax license; and
         (c)   A copy of any required state license to operate such business.
      (3)   Short-term rental or Airbnb; required to provide the following:
         (a)   Signatures from 80% of the neighboring properties within 100 feet of the property line;
         (b)   A copy of a state sales tax license;
         (c)   Licensed with the Department of Health;
         (d)   A copy of any required state license to operate such business; and
         (e)   Required to carry a $1,000,000 liability insurance policy.
      (4)   Any business that revenue is collected for services:
         (a)   Signatures from 90% of the neighboring properties within 100 feet of the property line;
         (b)   A copy of a state sales tax license; and
         (c)   A copy of any required state license to operate such business.
   (C)   The application shall go before the City Council at its next regular meeting; if such application is granted by the City Council, a record shall be made in the minutes. However, the City Council shall use discretion in the granting of licenses and may refuse to do so; in which case, the license fee received by the Finance Officer shall be returned. The fact that an applicant may have the City Finance Officer’s receipt for the license fee shall not be sufficient to authorize him or her to operate until a license is approved by the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 5.04.010) (Ord. 01-16, passed - -; Ord. 18-04, passed 7-9-2018; Ord. 22-04, passed 11-3-2022)