(A)   Sidewalk. It shall be unlawful to operate or park a snowmobile on any sidewalk in the city.
   (B)   Speed. No snowmobile shall be operated at a speed in excess of 20mph in the city.
   (C)   Passengers; weights. No snowmobile shall carry more than one operator and one passenger or weights in excess of the capacity recommended by the manufacturer thereof.
   (D)   Towing.
      (1)   No sled, toboggan, inner tube, trailer, snowmobile, or any other similar equipment or device shall be towed by a snowmobile within the city limits.
      (2)   No person on skis, snowboards, or similar devices shall be towed behind a snowmobile.
   (E)   Under the influence. It shall be unlawful to drive or operate a snowmobile while under the influence of intoxicants.
   (F)   Prohibited areas. No person shall operate or park a snowmobile in or upon the following areas and places:
      (1)   City parks (unless otherwise designated by this chapter);
      (2)   School property, alleyways, NP Railway depot grounds, and Wallace Public Library grounds; and
      (3)   Any privately-owned property without the express permission of the property owner.
   (G)   Careless, negligent manner. No person shall operate a snowmobile carelessly and heedlessly or in a negligent manner, or without due caution and circumspection and at a speed or in a manner as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property or to cause injury or damage to either, or to harass, chase, or annoy any wild game or birds or domestic animals.
   (H)   Traffic rules. All snowmobile drivers shall abide by the same traffic rules required of motorized vehicle operators in the city, except for speed limits designated in division (B) above.
   (I)   Lights. All snowmobiles shall be operated with the headlights and tail lights on at all times.
   (J)   Noise. No snowmobile shall be operated whose motor is louder than 72 decibels. No excessive or unnecessary revving of the snowmobile shall be permitted.
   (K)   Single file. All snowmobiles shall be operated only in single file on the extreme right-hand side of the designated street routes described in § 73.06(A).
   (L)   Use of city streets. The operation of snowmobiles on the streets of the city shall be limited to ingress and egress to and from the city on said designated routes described in § 73.06(A), which city streets are not to be used as a place of recreation for snowmobiles.
(Prior Code, § 6-5-5) (Ord. 93-5, passed 2-22-1994; Ord. 95-B, 12-13-1994) Penalty, see § 73.99