§ 73.04 EQUIPMENT.
   No snowmobile shall be operated in the city unless it is equipped with the following:
   (A)   A headlight. At least one and not more than two head lamps sufficient to render clearly- discernible persons and vehicles at a distance of 250 feet ahead;
   (B)   A taillight and/or brake lights. Tail lamps and brake lamps, which, when lighted, shall emit a red light plainly visible to the rear at a distance of 250 feet;
   (C)   Brakes. At least one brake which may be operated by hand or foot; and
   (D)   A muffler. A muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise and annoying smoke, and no person shall use a muffler cutout, bypass, or similar device.
(Prior Code, § 6-5-4) (Ord. 93-5, passed 2-22-1994) Penalty, see § 73.99