   (A)   If the established criteria for the issuance of an open burning permit are not met, the application will be denied.
   (B)   Upon receipt of the completed open burning permit application and permit fee, the Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, or Assistant Fire Marshals, if he or she reasonably believes necessary, may require a preliminary site inspection to locate the proposed burn site, note special conditions, and set dates and time of permitted burn and review fire safety considerations.
   (A)   Prior to starting an open burn, the permit holder shall be responsible for confirming that no burning ban or air quality alert is in effect. Every open burn event shall be constantly attended by the permit holder or his or her competent representative. The open burning site shall have available, appropriate communication and fire suppression equipment as set out in the fire safety plan.
   (B)   The open burn fire shall be completely extinguished before the permit holder or his or her representative leaves the site. No fire may be allowed to smolder with no person present. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to have a valid permit, as required by this subchapter, available for inspection on the site by the Police Department, Fire Department, MPCA representative or DNR forest officer.
   (C)   The permit holder is responsible for compliance and implementation of all general conditions, special conditions, and the burn event safety plan as established in the permit issued. The permit holder shall be responsible for all costs incurred as a result of the burn, including but not limited to fire suppression and administrative fees.
Penalty, see § 92.99
   An open burning permit is subject to revocation at the discretion of DNR forest officer, the Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, or Assistant Fire Marshals. Reasons for revocation include but are not limited to a fire hazard existing or developing during the course of the burn, any of the conditions of the permit being violated during the course of the burn, pollution or nuisance conditions developing during the course of the burn, or a fire smoldering with no flame present.
Penalty, see § 92.99
   If established criteria for the issuance of an open burning permit are not met during review of the application, it is determined that a practical alternative method for disposal of the material exists, or a pollution or nuisance condition would result, or if a burn event safety plan cannot be drafted to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, or Assistant Fire Marshals, these officers may deny the application for the open burn permit.
   (A)   The designated fire official is authorized to determine when conditions make open burning potentially hazardous and declare a burning ban within the city.
   (B)   No recreational fire or open burn will be permitted when the city or DNR has officially declared a burning ban due to potential hazardous fire conditions or when the MPCA has declared an Air Quality Alert.
Penalty, see § 92.99
§ 92.70 RESERVED.
   (A)   Definitions.
      (1)   EXTERNAL SOLID FUEL-FIRED HEATING DEVICE. A device designed for external solid fuel combustion so that usable heat is derived for the interior of a building, and includes solid fuel-fired stoves, solid fuel-fired cooking stoves, and combination fuel furnaces or boiler which burn solid fuel. Solid fuel-fired heating devices do not include natural gas-fired fireplace logs or wood-burning fireplaces or wood stoves in the interior of a dwelling.
      (2)   PERSON. An individual, partnership, corporation, company or other association.
      (3)   STACKS OR CHIMNEYS. Any vertical structure incorporated into a building and enclosing a flue or flues that carry off smoke or exhaust from a solid fuel-fired heating device, especially, the part of such a structure extending above a roof.
   (B)   Requirements for operation.
      (1)   Any dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas and soot, or cinders, in unreasonable quantities, or any use of an external solid fuel-fired heating device to burn solid fuels other than those solid fuels for which the external solid fuel-fired heating device was designed, is declared a public nuisance.
      (2)   No person may install, use or operate an external solid fuel fired heating device on a lot less than four acres in size.
      (3)   All stacks or chimneys must be so constructed to withstand high winds or other related elements and in accordance to the specifications of the manufacturer of the external solid fuel-fired heating device. The stack height shall be a minimum of 25 feet above ground level, but shall also extend at least as high as the height of the roofs of residents within 500 feet. All stacks or chimneys must be of masonry or insulated metal with a minimum six-inch flue.
      (4)   All external solid fuel-fired heating devices must be setback a minimum of 50 feet from all property lines.
      (5)   All external solid fuel-fired heating devices must be setback a minimum of ten feet from any principal or accessory structure.
   (C)   Fuels.
      (1)   Only fuels designed for burning in an external solid fuel-fired heating device may be burned. No garbage may be burned in an external solid fuel-fired heating device.
      (2)   The only fuel permitted to be burned is untreated fuel. Wood may not be treated, processed, stained, finished or painted - specifically prohibited woods include plywood, particle board and similar products. Other fuels, such as corn, shall not contain any additives, treatments or chemicals. No petroleum products or processed materials of any kind may be burned.
§ 92.99 PENALTY.
   Violation of any provision of this chapter, including maintaining a nuisance after being notified in writing by first class mail of a violation of any provision of this chapter, shall be a misdemeanor and punished as provided in § 10.99