   91.01   Definitions
   91.02   Dogs and cats
   91.03   Non-domestic animals
   91.04   Farm animals
   91.05   Impounding
   91.06   Kennels
   91.07   Nuisances
   91.08   Seizure of animals
   91.09   Animals presenting a danger to health and safety of city
   91.10   Diseased animals
   91.11   Dangerous and potentially dangerous dogs
   91.12   Dangerous animals (excluding dogs)
   91.13   Basic care
   91.14   Breeding moratorium
   91.15   Enforcing officer
   91.16   Pound
   91.17   Interference with officers
   91.18   Fighting animals
   91.19   Feeding stray cats and dogs
   91.99   Penalty
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANIMAL. Any mammal, reptile, amphibian, fish, bird (including all fowl and poultry) or other member commonly accepted as a part of the animal kingdom. Animals shall be classified as follows:
      (1)   DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Those animals commonly accepted as domesticated household pets. Unless otherwise defined, domestic animals shall include dogs, cats, caged birds, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, domesticated rabbits, fish, non-poisonous, non-venomous and non-constricting reptiles or amphibians, and other similar animals.
      (2)   FARM ANIMALS. Those animals commonly associated with a farm or performing work in an agricultural setting. Unless otherwise defined, farm animals shall include members of the equine family (horses, mules), bovine family (cows, bulls), sheep, poultry (chickens, turkeys), fowl (ducks, geese), swine (including Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs), goats, bees, ratitae (ostriches and emus), farm raised cervidae (caribous and mule deer), llamas and alpacas and other animals associated with a farm, ranch, or stable.
      (3)   NON-DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Those animals commonly considered to be naturally wild and not naturally trained or domesticated, or which are commonly considered to be inherently dangerous to the health, safety, and welfare of people. Unless otherwise defined, non-domestic animals shall include:
         (a)   Any member of the large cat family (family felidae) including lions, tigers, cougars, bobcats, leopards and jaguars, but excluding commonly accepted domesticated house cats.
         (b)   Any naturally wild member of the canine family (family canidae) including wolves, foxes, coyotes, dingoes, and jackals, but excluding commonly accepted domesticated dogs.
         (c)   Any crossbreeds such as the crossbreed between a wolf and a dog, unless the crossbreed is commonly accepted as a domesticated house pet.
         (d)   Any member or relative of the rodent family including any skunk (whether or not descented), raccoon, squirrel, or ferret, but excluding those members otherwise defined or commonly accepted as domesticated pets.
         (e)   Any poisonous, venomous, constricting, or inherently dangerous member of the reptile or amphibian families including rattlesnakes, boa constrictors, pit vipers, crocodiles and alligators.
         (f)   Any other animal which is not explicitly listed above but which can be reasonably defined by the terms of this section, including but not limited to bears, deer, monkeys and game fish.
   AT LARGE. Off the premises of the owner and not under the custody and control of the owner or other person, either by leash, cord, chain, or otherwise restrained or confined.
    CAT. Both the male and female of the felidae species commonly accepted as domesticated household pets.
   DOG. Both the male and female of the canine species, commonly accepted as domesticated household pets, and other domesticated animals of a dog kind.
   OWNER. Any person or persons, firm, association or corporation owning, keeping, or harboring an animal.
   RELEASE PERMIT. A permit issued by the Animal Control Officer or other person in charge of the pound for the release of any animal that has been taken to the pound. A release permit may be obtained upon payment of a fee to the City Clerk in accordance with the regular license requirement if the animal is unlicensed, payment of a release fee, and any maintenance costs incurred in capturing and impounding the animal. The release fee shall be as established in the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11, as it may be amended from time to time.