   (A)   Auction or sale.
      (1)   If an abandoned or unauthorized vehicle and contents taken into custody by the city or any impound lot is not reclaimed under § 90.21, it may be disposed of or sold at auction or sale when eligible pursuant to §§ 90.20 and 90.21.
      (2)   The purchaser shall be given a receipt in a form prescribed by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles which shall be sufficient title to dispose of the vehicle. The receipt shall also entitle the purchaser to register the vehicle and receive a certificate of title, free and clear of all liens and claims of ownership. Before a vehicle is issued a new certificate of title, it must receive a motor vehicle safety check.
   (B)   Unsold vehicles. Abandoned or junk vehicles not sold by the city or public impound lots pursuant to division (A) of this section shall be disposed of in accordance with § 90.24.
   (C)   Sale proceeds; public entities. From the proceeds of a sale under this section by the city or public impound lot of an abandoned or unauthorized motor vehicle, the city shall reimburse itself for the cost of towing, preserving and storing the vehicle, and all administrative, notice and publication costs incurred in handling the vehicle pursuant to this chapter. Any remainder from the proceeds of a sale shall be held for the owner of the vehicle or entitled lienholder for 90 days and then shall be deposited in the treasury of the city.
   (D)   Sale proceeds; nonpublic impound lots. The operator of a nonpublic impound lot may retain any proceeds derived from a sale conducted under the authority of division (A) of this section. The operator may retain all proceeds from sale of any personal belongings and contents in the vehicle that were not claimed by the owner or the owner's agent before the sale, except that any suspected contraband or other items that likely would be subject to forfeiture in a criminal trial must be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
   The city may contract with others or may utilize its own equipment and personnel for the inventory of impounded motor vehicles and abandoned scrap metal and may utilize its own equipment and personnel for the collection, storage and transportation of these vehicles and abandoned scrap metal. The city may utilize its own equipment and personnel only for the collection and storage of not more than five abandoned or unauthorized vehicles without advertising for or receiving bids in any 120-day period.
   (A)   MPCA review and approval. If the city proposes to enter into a contract with a person licensed by the MPCA pursuant to this section or a contract pursuant to § 90.24, the MPCA may review the proposed contract before it is entered into by the city, to determine whether it conforms to the MPCA's plan for solid waste management and is in compliance with MPCA rules. A contract that does so conform may be approved by the MPCA and entered into by the city. Where a contract has been approved, the MPCA may reimburse the city for the costs incurred under the contract that have not been reimbursed under § 90.23. Except as otherwise provided in § 90.24, the MPCA shall not approve any contract that has been entered into without prior notice to and without a request for bids from all persons duly licensed by the MPCA to be a party to a disposal contract pursuant to M.S. § 116.07, as it may be amended from time to time; nor that does not provide for a full performance bond; or does not provide for total collection and transportation of abandoned motor vehicles, except that the MPCA may approve a contract covering solely collection or transportation of abandoned motor vehicles where the MPCA determines total collection and transportation to be impracticable and where all other requirements herein have been met and the unit of government, after proper notice and request for bids, has not received any bid for total collection and transportation of abandoned motor vehicles.
   (B)    The city may perform work. If the city utilizes its own equipment and personnel pursuant to its authority under § 90.24, and the use of the equipment and personnel conforms to the MPCA's plan for solid waste management and is in compliance with MPCA rules, the city may be reimbursed by the MPCA for reasonable costs incurred which are not reimbursed under § 90.23.
   (C)   The city required to contract work. The MPCA may demand that the city contract for the disposal of abandoned motor vehicles and other scrap metal pursuant to the MPCA's plan for solid waste disposal. If the city fails to contract within 180 days of the demand, the MPCA, through the Department of Administration and on behalf of the city, may contract with any person duly licensed by the MPCA for the disposal.