The final plat shall contain the following information:
   (a)   Identification.
      (1)   Name of Subdivision.
      (2)   Location by Section, Town and Range, and other legal description as necessary.
      (3)   Names of owners, and signature and seal of registered surveyor to be lettered and signed in black opaque ink.
      (4)   Scale shown graphically.
      (5)   Date.
      (6)   Northpoint.
   (b)   Delineation.
      (1)   All delineation to be in black opaque ink on the tracing (including signatures).
      (2)   Boundary of Plat will be shown as a heavy line to indicate the limits of the plat. All plat boundary lines will be shown with the lengths and bearings of course. The boundaries shall be determined by an accurate survey in the field which will be balanced and closed with an error of closure not to exceed one to 10,000. Computation sheet shall be submitted with the plat.
      (3)   True bearings and distances to at least three of the nearest established street lines or official monuments which shall be accurately described on the plat.
      (4)   Municipal, Township, County and/or section lines accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distances and bearings.
      (5)   Accurate location of all monuments. One Type A monument shall be placed at each change in direction of the boundary of the plat. One Type B monument shall be placed at the points of the intersection of the centerlines of streets and on the centerline of streets at the points of curvature.
      (6)   Exact location, width, and name of all streets within and adjoining the plat, and the exact location and widths of all alleys and crosswalkways. (The name of a street shall not duplicate that of any existing street. Proposed street names shall be checked with the proper Village and County officials.)
      (7)   Exact location and width of all easements and rights of way provided for public services or utilities.
      (8)   All lot or parcel numbers and lines, with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths.
      (9)   Accurate designation of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose indicated thereon.
      (10)   Radii, internal angles, points of curvature, point of tangency and lengths of all arcs.
      (11)   Estimated elevation for High Water Level.
      (12)   Building set-back lines accurately shown with dimensions.
      (13)   In case the subdivision is traversed by a water course, channel, stream or creek, the existing or prior location and/or the proposed location of such water course shall be shown.
      (14)   Legal description of the boundaries of the plat.
      (15)   Total acreage in plat, total acreage in street right of way and total acreage in lots will be shown on the plat.
      (16)   A certification by a registered surveyor to the effect that the plat represents a true and accurate survey made by him. (See sample wording for certification).
      (17)   Space for approval by signature of Owner, Village, and County Officials in accordance with the following:
         A.   Owners certification. I (we), the undersigned, owners of the property hereon described, do hereby adopt this subdivision into lots as shown, establish setback lines as shown, (except buffer lot---which is dedicated on condition the abutting right-of-way dedication is extended or widened beyond the buffer lot), and dedicate to public use, rights of way as shown, and we do further grant easements as shown hereon and designated as utility reservations, roadway easement, and drainage easement. I (we) further certify that I (we) will improve this subdivision with the following installation: (statement of the specific sewer, water, pavement and other improvements to be installed).
         B.   Notary.
State of Ohio )
         County of Wood )
On this            day of               , 19      , before me personally appeared                               , and acknowledge the signing of this plat to be his (their) free act and deed for the purposes hereon mentioned.
Witness my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Notary Public in and for Wood County, Ohio My Commission expires                    , 19        .
         C.   Surveyor.
I hereby certify this is a true and accurate plat of survey made by me on                 19          of the hereinbefore described property, subdividing the same into lots numbered                thru          inclusive. I also hereby certify that all monuments shown thus and iron pipe at all other lot corners are set or will be set upon completion of the improvements.
                     Register Surveyor#                 
         D.   Planning Commission.
            We hereby approve and accept this plat according to the subdivision rules and regulations for the Village of Walbridge, Ohio, this                  day of                    , 19              ,
         E.   Council.
This is to certify that this plat of                     is approved and the                      as shown is accepted by Resolution No.                and Ordinance No.                         .
         F.   Office Of The Wood County, Ohio Auditor.
Transferred this         day of                  , 19         .
                     WOOD COUNTY AUDITOR
         G.   Office Of The Wood County, Ohio Recorder.
This plat filed for Record this           day of                          , 19            at                .M.
Recorded this                       day of                        , 19           , in Plat Book                 Page               ,
                     WOOD COUNTY RECORDER
            (Ord. 7-77. Passed 6-13-77.)