Design Standards
1113.01   General statement.
1113.02   Conformity to development plans and zoning.
1113.03   Suitability of land.
1113.04   Street design.
1113.05   Street design standards for Cul-de-sacs and loop types local streets.
1113.06   Street design standards for all local streets except Cul-de-sacs and loop type streets.
1113.07   Collector street design standards.
1113.08   Horizontal alignment.
1113.09   Vertical curves.
1113.10   Intersection design standards.
1113.11   Special street types.
1113.12   Streets for commercial subdivisions.
1113.13   Streets for industrial subdivisions.
1113.14   Sidewalks.
1113.15   Blocks.
1113.16   Lots.
1113.17   Easements.
1113.18   Flood areas and storm drain ditches.
1113.19   Public sites, open space, and natural features.
Lot numbering and revision - see Ohio R.C. 711.02, 711.06, 711.28 et seq.
Required improvements - see P. & Z. Ch. 1117
Cluster subdivisions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1185