EDITOR'S NOTE: Pursuant to Ordinance 15-67, passed June 12, 1967, the Municipality has adopted the Wood County Building Code. Ordinance 16-82, passed May 24, 1982, adopted the amendments to such Building Code as approved by the Wood County Commissioners Copies of the Building Code are on file at the Municipal Building. There are no sections in Chapter 1301. This chapter has been established as a place for cross references and for future legislation.
Power to regulate building erection - see Ohio R. C. 715.26, 715.29, 737.28
Power to regulate fences, billboards and signs - see Ohio R. C. 715.27
Power to license house movers, electricians, plumbers, sewer tappers, vault cleaners - see Ohio R. C. 715.27
Smoke abatement - see Ohio R. C. 715.44