Planned Unit Developments may be residential, commercial, or industrial developments, or they may be combinations of uses, such as residential and commercial, commercial and industrial or a combination of uses in a business park. The minimum site area for a residential development shall be five net acres; for a commercial development, five net acres; for an industrial development, 25 net acres; and for a business park, 25 net acres. If a combination of uses is proposed, a residential-commercial development shall have a minimum of 25 net acres and a commercial-industrial development, a minimum of 30 net acres. Net acres is defined as total acreage of a parcel less public rights-of-way and easements. In residential-commercial combination developments, the amount of land devoted to commercial usage shall not exceed 12.5 percent of the total land area of the development. All Planned Units must be arranged progressively in relation to the zoning of the area abutting. The Planning Commission may recommend and the Village Council may approve reduction in the area of a Planned Unit Development for those sites which are isolated by natural or man-made barriers or by existing development so that additional land is not available for inclusion in the new development. All planned developments shall be platted in accordance with applicable subdivision rules and regulations.
(Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)