(a)   In "C" or "M" districts, signs whose subject matter relates exclusively to the premises on which they are located or to products, accommodations, or activities on those premises shall be allowed as follows:
      (1)   Number of signs. Each building may have one building sign oriented to each street on which the premises have frontage, identifying the building as a whole or its predominant use. In addition, there may be an occupancy sign and one pedestrian sign oriented to each street on which the premises have frontage, relating to each occupancy within the building.
      (2)   Location of signs. No sign shall overhang the public way to within three feet of the curb line. No sign, except on a marquee or canopy providing shelter, shall overhang more than one-third of the sidewalk width.
      (3)   No sign shall extend more than fifteen feet above record grade or more than four feet above the lowest point of the roof of the single-story building with which it is associated, whichever is less restrictive, nor above the third floor of a multi-story building, except that motels, hotels, and other transient lodgings may display such signs up to forty feet above record grade.
      (4)   The top of pedestrian signs shall be no higher than ten feet above the sidewalk.
      (5)   For other than first floor occupants, occupancy signs shall be located between the second and third floors.
      (6)   Permanent signs on the surface of or inside display windows shall cover no more than ten percent (10%) of the display window area.
   (b)   Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Zoning Ordinance, signs within 660 feet of the Interstate Highway System shall be erected and maintained in general accord with Federal and Ohio laws in regard to advertising devices along the Interstate System, if such laws are more restrictive than the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance. The total area of all free- standing signs, pole signs, or signs projecting beyond building walls shall not exceed 350 square feet for any individual business establishment or use in any district.
(Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)