No signs which contain a commercial message shall be permitted in an "R" District, except as provided in this Ordinance.
(a) One sign advertising the sale of products raised or produced on the premises shall be permitted providing it does not exceed sixteen square feet.
(b) Signs for home occupations, professional activities and nonconforming uses where existing or permitted shall not exceed six square feet in area in any "R" District.
(c) Bulletin boards and signs for a church, school, community or other public or semi- public institutional building and permitted conditional uses shall be permitted provided the area of such bulletin board or sign shall not exceed twenty square feet per face.
(d) Wall signs pertaining to a nonconforming use shall be permitted if on the same premises of such use, provided the area of such sign does not exceed sixteen square feet.
(e) No building wall shall be used for display of advertising, except pertaining to the use carried on within such building.
(f) Temporary signs shall be permitted not closer than the highway right-of-way line provided no part of the sign is more than three feet above ground level.
(g) At any entrance to a residential subdivision or multi-family development there may be not more than two signs identifying such subdivision or development and said signs shall be setback from the right-of-way line a minimum distance of ten feet. The total sign area of a single sign located at a single entrance shall not exceed 32 square feet, shall not exceed 42 inches in height and shall contain only the name of the subdivision or development. Any subdivision entrance/ identification sign proposed to be located within the center of a boulevard entrance shall be located in a manner so as not to create a traffic hazard from the standpoint of adequate sight distances.
(Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)