1151.01 Purpose.
1151.02 Districts.
1151.03 Zoning Map.
1151.04 Interpretation of district boundaries.
1151.05 Permitted uses and conditionally permitted uses.
1151.06 Zoning of annexed land.
1151.07 Basic yard, area and height requirements for dwellings.
1151.08 Basic yard, area and height requirements for structures in commercial and industrial districts.
1151.09 Minimum floor area requirements for dwellings.
1151.10 Nonresidential uses abutting an "R" district.
1151.11 Height regulations for institutional, office, industrial and apartment buildings and structures.
1151.12 Existing lots of record.
1151.13 Architectural projections.
1151.14 Special yard requirements.
1151.15 Traffic visibility across corner lots.
Basis of districts - see Ohio R. C. 713.10
Amending districts - see Ohio R. C. 713.10; P. & Z. 1139.16 et seq.
Referral of zoning permit applications to Director of Transportation - see Ohio R. C. 5511.01