1151.02 DISTRICTS.
   For the purpose of the Zoning Ordinance, all land areas in the Municipality are hereby divided into the following districts:
Residential Districts
R1-1 Suburban Residential
R1-2 Single-Family Residential District
R1-3 Single-Family Residential District
R1-4 Single-Family Residential District
R1-5 Single-Family Residential District
R2-1 Two-Family Residential District
R3-1 Multiple-Family Residential District
MHPD-1 Manufactured Home Park District
Commercial Districts
C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District
C-3 General Commercial District
C-2 Village Center Commercial District
Industrial Districts
M-1 Light Industrial/Office Research District
M-2 General Industrial District
(Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)