(A)   All matters proposed for final consideration by the City Council will be accompanied by a typed ordinance, with sufficient copies for the members of the City Council, City Secretary, City Attorney and where appropriate, any other department head whose department is affected.
   (B)   All ordinances to be considered for final passage will be provided the City Secretary by 9:00 a.m. on the third day preceding the City Council meeting at which the ordinance is to be considered, for inclusion in City Council members’ packets.
   (C)   (1)   Any matter considered for passage by ordinance, in which a prepared ordinance is not presented, is subject to two readings, the preliminary or first consideration and the final consideration at the following scheduled meeting.
      (2)   No ordinance will be presented for final consideration unless a prepared ordinance has been filed with the City Secretary in accordance with this section.
      (3)   If an ordinance is not considered for lack of a prepared ordinance, it will be tabled and continued for such period as the Council decides.
      (4)   No ordinance will take effect until final consideration and passage in accordance with this section.
   (D)   Any prepared ordinance that is amended may be passed with the written amendments attached or may be tabled and continued, pending presentation of prepared amended ordinance.
   (E)   The City Council may waive the requirements of this section by majority vote of the members present, the Mayor voting only in the event of a tie.
(Ord. 14-86, passed 7-28-1986)