An ordinance approving a description for a jurisdictional agreement between the City of Wake Village, Texas and Nash, Texas that governs the boundary controlling the extraterritorial jurisdiction in each respective city, giving each city the right to annex and develop within the boundary of each city's extraterritorial jurisdiction without consent of the other city.
   The Jurisdictional Agreement is more particularly described as follows:
Beginning in the east right-of-way line of Farm to Market Road No. 2148, at its intersection with County Road No. 1221 (Brower Lane), said point being 150.00 feet left (east) of centerline station 367 + 80.
   THENCE:  Easterly, with the centerline of County Road No. 1221 (Brower Lane) approximately 2,335.00 feet to a point at the northwest corner of an 8.833 acre tract conveyed to Helen E. Brettel by Deed recorded in Volume 2071, Page 54, D.R. Bowie County, Texas, and continuing in a easterly direction along a fence line, 1,208.00 feet for a total distance of 3,543.00 feet to a point at the southeast corner of the W.S. Brower 12 acre tract, Volume 294, Page 59, D.R. Bowie County, Texas, and being in the west line of Double R Subdivision recorded in Volume 766, Page 317, Plat Records of Bowie County, Texas;
   THENCE:  Southerly, with the west line of Double R Subdivision approximately 170.00 feet to the southwest corner of same;
   THENCE:  Easterly with south line of Double R Subdivision approximately 1,150.00 feet to a point in County Road No. 1376 and in the west line of Kelly Acres Subdivision recorded in Volume 806, Page 705, Plat Records of Bowie County, Texas;
   THENCE:  Northerly with County Road No. 1376, 125.00 feet to the northwest corner of Kelly Acres Subdivision and being in the center of Kelly Road;
   THENCE:  Easterly with Kelly Road, same being the north line of Kelly Acres Subdivision, 1320.93 feet to the northeast corner of same and being in the east boundary line of Conway Drive;
   THENCE:  Southerly with the east boundary line of Conway Drive, same being the east line of Kelly Acres Subdivision, 1,564.00 feet to the southeast corner of same and being the northeast corner of the Jimmy D. Crowson 49.82 acre tract, and continuing in a southerly direction with the east line of Crowson tract, approximately 1,980.00 feet to a point at the northwest corner of the Michael Hale ten-acre tract described in Volume 1556, Page 175, D.R. Bowie County, Texas;
   THENCE:  Easterly along the north line of said Michael Hale tract and the north line of the Jimmy D. Crowson ten-acre tract, approximately 1,190.00 feet to the center of County Road No. 1301 (Proetz Lane);
   THENCE:  Northerly, with County Road No. 1301 (Proetz Lane), approximately 2,496.00 feet to a point;
   THENCE:  Easterly, with the south line of Frank L. King 40.177 acre tract (Volume 2255, Page 69) and the north line of the Southwest Intrest 51.377 acre tract (Volume 1477, Page 99), approximately 1,313.30 feet to the southeast corner of the King 40.177 acre tract and the southwest corner of Chapelwood Memorial Gardens and continuing in a easterly direction 741.90 feet for a total distance of 2,055.20 feet to a point in the west line of Meadowbrook Heights recorded in Volume 204, Page 276, Plat Records of Bowie County, Texas;
   THENCE:  Northerly with the west line of Meadowbrook Heights, 129.00 feet to the northwest corner of same;
   THENCE:  Easterly with the north line of Meadowbrook Heights and the south line of Chapelwood Memorial Gardens, approximately 1,275.00 feet to a point in the west boundary of Farm to Market Road 989 (Kings Highway);
   THENCE:  Northwesterly with the west boundary line of FM 989, approximately 420.00 feet to a point;
   THENCE:  Easterly, crossing FM 989 and along the south line of the Chapelwood Methodist Church tract and the south line of the Carl Brown tract, and being approximately 225.00 feet north of and parallel to Brown Drive, approximately 2,180.00 feet to a point in a fence line;
   THENCE:  Northerly along a fence line and the east line of the Brown tract, approximately 1,123.61 feet to a point in the south line of the city limits of Nash, Texas, and the most northerly northwest corner of the city limits of Wake Village, Texas.  Boundaries plotted on map labeled EXHIBIT “A” attached to Ord. 8-97, are hereby adopted by reference.
(Ord. 8-97, passed 5-12-1997)