(A)   In addition to the general restrictions set forth in Chapter 70, the following restrictions apply to through truck traffic.
   (B)   THROUGH TRUCK TRAFFIC shall be defined as traffic not originating on the streets listed below and not ending on those streets, and shall not include trucks belonging to residents living on those streets who are leaving or returning to their homes or to trucks engaged in delivery or pickup services from the residents on those streets.
   (C)   This schedule specifically prohibits the use of the streets listed below as shortcuts or throughfares to traffic that otherwise would not use the street for the purposes defined in division (A) above.
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Guam Street
Entire street
Shellwood Street
Entire street
   (D)   Trucks and truck traffic regulations. These regulations shall apply for all explosive, corrosive, hazardous materials, and flammable liquid and gas carriers and any vehicles required to display placards.
   (E)   There is hereby adopted that the following streets are hereby designated as hazardous material truck routes, and the hazardous material truck route designations are exclusive. Any carrier as herein defined in division (D) above, shall use only those routes specified herein or additional temporary routes as shall be established by City Council, either by written permission upon application to deviate from the truck route, or by the posting of temporary road signs during the period of temporary or alternate truck routing. Any vehicle driven on any other streets than those herein designated, which are controlled by these regulations, shall be deemed in violation of this section and the driver thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor as defined under the traffic ordinances of Wake Village and the State of Texas.
   (F)   The following areas are designated truck routes:
Ord. No.
Date Passed
U.S. Highway 67
Farm to Market 989
Interstate 369
   (G)   Parking. It shall be unlawful for any vehicle transporting hazardous materials or substances to be parked within 1,000 feet of any school, church, playground, park or other public area of the city; such vehicles may be parked overnight only upon property adjoining a hazardous material truck route which is not closer than 1,000 feet to any of the above described areas.
   (H)   Exceptions. The above carrier routes shall not apply to trucks delivering to or returning from construction sites where it is not possible to use a designated truck route, or to trucks delivering merchandise to or from local businesses or local residences, or traveling to or from garages, if said travel or delivery is made by the most direct route, and deviation from the designated routes must be for legitimate business or work related purpose.
(Ord. 07-15, passed 10-12-2015)  Penalty, see § 70.99