(A)   There shall be a no parking zone marked off with painted lines around each fire plug within the corporate limits of the City of Wake Village, Texas, a distance of six feet on each side of the hydrant, and a distance of eight feet away from the plug in the street, provided where hydrant is on corner of block then the distance be 12 feet, and there shall be a no parking zone marked off with painted lines in front of the Fire Station in the City of Wake Village, Texas, commencing on each side of the ramp leading into the station and the street curb intersection and running into the street at 45-degree angle, a distance of eight feet.
   (B)   Hereafter it shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any motor or other vehicle to park same within the no parking space designated around each fire hydrant and in front of the City Fire Station within the corporate limits of the city.
(Ord. 8-50, passed 11-13-1950)  Penalty, see § 70.99