There shall be a City Administrator who shall be appointed or terminated by the Mayor and confirmed by an absolute majority of the council. The Administrator, who works directly under the Mayor, is accountable for the city streets, signs and parks; the operation and maintenance of water of water treatment, storage and distribution system; the operation and maintenance of the sewer distribution system; the monthly water meter readings; and the administration of the animal and insect control programs of the city. He/She is responsible for the inspection and construction in the city. He/She is responsible for department personnel and for department budget administration.
   As head of the Department of Administration, the City Administrator is accountable for the preparation, maintenance and proper disposal of all city documents for the supervision of department personnel and for the administration of the department.
   The Administrator shall assist the Mayor and the City Council in the preparation of the annual budget for the city. He/She shall also be accountable to the Mayor and City Council for the proper disbursements of city funds through an established voucher system of the city.