§ 53.22  GENERAL.
   (A)   The consumer shall use the gas delivered hereunder for his or her purposes only, and shall not, under any circumstances, resell or share with others any gas delivered hereunder.  No changes, extensions, or replacement of service pipe without written consent of the company shall be made, and no extension whatsoever of customer owned piping shall be made for the purpose of supplying gas to adjacent property, or other person or concerns residing or operating on premises of consumer.
   (B)   The foregoing natural gas resale prohibition shall not apply to distributors selling compressed natural gas as a motor vehicle fuel.
   (C)   The authorized agent of the company shall have the right and permission and invitation of the customer to enter upon the premises of the customer to inspect or test lines and appliances, to read, change or remove the meter, or to shut off the gas.  This right shall not be construed as placing any responsibility on the company to inspect and test the lines or equipment of the customer.
   (D)   The place of delivery of all gas purchased shall be at the outside wall of the first structure being served if the company has installed or replaced the service line to that point.  In all other cases, the place of delivery of all gas purchased shall be at the point of connection to the consumer’s service line from which point all gas delivered shall become the property of the consumer, who shall thereafter be responsible for its passage through the meter and for all damage caused by the gas.
   (E)   The company shall not be liable for any injury to person or property from any cause arising inside of the consumer’s curb or property line.  The company does not guarantee to supply gas at a uniform pressure, nor that the supply will be adequate at all times.  In case the supply of gas should fail, whether from natural causes, bursting of pipes or accident in any way, the company shall not be liable for damage by reason of that failure.
   (F)   Meters and pipes are likely to freeze in cold weather, and it shall be the duty of each consumer to protect the pipes and the meter or meters from the action of the elements.
   (G)   These Rules and Regulations are made a part and condition of all rate schedules of the company and all customers served under such schedules shall be subject to these Rules and Regulations.
   (H)   These Rules and Regulations are in addition to rules and regulations now established by the regulatory body having jurisdiction over these matters.
(Ord. 2-95, passed 5-8-1995)