(A)   The company may decline to serve a customer or prospective customer until he or she has complied with the state and municipal regulations governing the service applied for and the reasonable rules and regulations of the utility.
   (B)   Until adequate facilities can be provided, the company may decline to serve an applicant for service or to change materially the service of any customer if, in its judgment, it does not have adequate facilities to render the service applied for or if the desired service is of a character that is likely to affect unfavorably the service to other customers.
   (C)   The company may refuse to serve a customer if, in its best judgment, the customer’s installation or equipment is regarded as hazardous or of a character that satisfactory service cannot be given.
   (D)   The company may refuse to serve individual mobile homes and house trailers if the trailer does not have a firm foundation which will not permit it to rock or move, thereby cracking or parting the connecting pipe or facilities.  None of the weight of the trailer may be carried on the wheels or springs. All piping and appliance installations in trailers must be made in compliance with applicable laws, codes, and ordinances governing such installations.
   (E)   The company may decline to serve any applicant who is indebted to the company for gas utility service; provided, however, that in the event the indebtedness of the applicant for service is in dispute, applicant shall be served upon complying with the deposit requirement and, in addition thereto, making a special deposit in an amount equal to the net balance in dispute.  Upon settlement of a disputed account, the balance, if any, due the applicant shall be promptly repaid, together with interest thereon from the date of the deposit until repaid at the rate prescribed by law or order of the Commission.
   (F)   The company shall also have the right to refuse service or to discontinue the supply of gas to a customer at a location until payment shall be made of delinquent bills for gas utility service for the customer at other premises.
(Ord. 2-95, passed 5-8-1995)