A listing of rules and regulations for use of the Fire Department Training Center shall be as follows:
   (A)   Rules for use of the Fire Department Training Center.
      (1)   Order of priorities.
         (a)   Scheduled Fire Department functions;
         (b)   City departments or organizations functioning within the city; and
         (c)   Responsible organizations or individuals that are of charitable or civic nature if use is approved by the Fire Chief, City Administrator, or employee designated by either the Fire Chief or City Administrator.
      (2)   Charges for use of Training Center.
         (a)   No charge for Fire Department scheduled function;
         (b)   No charge for city departments or organizations functioning within the city; and
         (c)   Responsible organizations or individuals that are of charitable or civic nature, if use is approved, will be charged the following:
            1.   For noncommercial use, a fee of $50 to cover expenses will be charged.
            2.   For commercial use, a fee of $150 will be charged.
            3.   Additional charges will be made for damages other than normal wear and tear.
            4.   A $100 deposit must be made prior to use and is refundable if areas used are left as found.
      (3)   Copy of regulations. Any person or group given permission to use the Training Center will be furnished written regulations governing the use of the Training Center.  The person who applies for its use will be responsible for seeing that the rules are kept and the areas used are left in the condition they were found.  If applicable, the Center is to be secured and the key returned as instructed.  The Fire Chief, City Administrator, or designated employee will check the condition of the areas used before deposit is returned.  The responsible person must pay for any cleaning or repairs that have to be made if found to be necessitated by the person’s or group’s occupancy.
      (4)   Schedule.  The Fire Chief, City Administrator, or designated employee shall maintain a schedule for the use of the Training Center.  The Fire Chief, City Administrator, or approved city employee will check the areas used before and deposit refunds are made.  The City Secretary will collect appropriate fees.
      (5)   Requests in advance.  Requests for use of the Training Center should be made at least ten work days prior to actual date of usage, if possible.  Requests shall be made to City Hall at 903-838-0515.
   (B)   Regulations for use of the Fire Department Training Center.
      (1)   There are to be no items fastened to the walls or doors by any means unless prior approval is received from the Fire Chief or City Administrator and will include the use of pins, tacks, staples, tape of any kind, putty, or other means of fastening.
      (2)   No item may be hung from the ceiling without prior permission.
      (3)   No material, permanent or temporary, may be fastened to or woven through the mini-blinds.
      (4)   If the coffee maker is authorized for use, it must be cleaned properly. Trash must be gathered and removed from premises.
      (5)   No item, permanent or temporary, such as additional cork boards, chalk boards, or other items are to be fastened to the walls without express permission.
      (6)   If furniture is moved for the user’s function, it is to be returned to the room and/or arranged as it was found.
      (7)   The floor is to be swept, mopped, or vacuumed, as the case may be, after the use of the area, if it is needed because of the user’s occupancy.
      (8)   No smoking is allowed in any city building or city vehicle. A designated smoking area behind the building is allowed.  Please do not leave cigarette remains or other litter on the ground.
(Res. 1-99, passed 1-12-1999)