(a)   Design of the storm water management system shall be consistent with general and specific concerns of the comprehensive plan and standards established by the consulting engineer. Design shall be based on environmentally sound site planning and engineering techniques.
   (b)   The best available technology shall be used to minimize off-site storm water runoff, increase on-site infiltration, encourage natural filtration function, simulate natural drainage systems, and minimize off site discharge of pollutants to ground and surface water. Best available technology may include measures such as retention basins, recharge trenches, porous paving and piping, contour terraces and swales.
   (c)   The subdivider or developer shall provide the necessary means to assure complete drainage in and adjacent to his property.
   (d)   When necessary, outlet ditches of closed sewers of an approved type and size shall be required as part of the construction. If same is across private property, rights-of-way or easements must be obtained by the subdivider or developer for the construction and future maintenance. These rights-of-way or easements shall be shown on the construction plans. Two copies of the above easement shall be furnished to the Village Council.
   (e)   Upon request by the village planning commission, the subdivider or developer will submit a topographical plan of storm drainage improvement, with all areas shown that are tributary to the improvement.
   (f)   The preferred runoff patter shall be towards the street. The design of streets and grading shall be such that runoff from roofs driveways and other impervious surfaces will be collected in ditches or gutters in short funs 300 feet to 400 feet in length. The runoff shall than be diverted from the surface into storm sewers or a natural watercourse. Street shall be located away from watercourses unless storm sewers are to be installed.
   (g)   The subdivider shall guard against the creation or continuation of swampy areas or stagnant pools. The Commission may require fill, swale, or channel improvements in order to forestall such problems.
   (h)   Adequate measures for the protection of open and closed drainage channels shall be provided. Maintenance easements of up to 75 feet from the top of the bank on open channels, and up to 50 feet from the centerline of the conduit for closed channels, shall be required by the consulting engineer.
   (i)   Open watercourses through the platted subdivision shall be cleaned. The bottom shall be dipped of sediment and a uniform width constructed. The side slopes shall be cleaned of brush an sloped to no steeper than 2:1 and seeded.
   (j)   The channel downstream of the subdivision shall be improved adequately by the developer to convey the storm runoff from the subdivision and across the adjacent property owner so that damages from flooding are minimized. Property lines shall be so designed as to follow drainage easements, except that such easements may cross lots larger that one acre.
   (k)   No water course shall be altered in such a way as to change the amount of direction of flow; no fill, building, or structures shall be situated in natural water courses unless provision is made for the flow of water in a manner satisfactory to the consulting engineer.
(Ord. 2000-0-02. Passed 1-24-00.)