Amendments to the regulatory codes adopted by reference in this chapter which are from time to time adopted and published shall become effective upon adoption by the agencies or organizations referred to herein.
(1984 Code, § 2-4-22) (Ord. passed 8-6-1979; Ord. passed 4-19-2021)
The provisions of this chapter and of the regulatory codes and ordinance adopted herein shall be applicable to all buildings, structures and utilities, including dwellings and outbuildings used in connection therewith, and shall extend to and govern the following:
(A) Location, design, materials, equipment, construction, reconstruction, additions, alterations, repair, demolition, removal, occupancy or maintenance of any building, structure or utility hereafter erected; and
(B) Reconstruction, equipment, alteration, addition, repair, moving, change of occupancy or maintenance of any existing building, structure or utility heretofore erected.
(1984 Code, § 2-4-23) (Ord. passed 8-6-1979)
The Board of Commissioners hereby establishes, under the County Manager, a County Building Inspections Division. The County Manager shall provide the location of this Division in the county’s organizational structure.
(1984 Code, § 2-4-36) (Ord. passed 8-6-1979; Ord. passed 6-18-1990)
The Division shall be administered by a Director, duly appointed in a manner prescribed in the county personnel regulations, whose powers and duties shall be to enforce any county building regulations adopted under G.S. § 160D-1104; to collect inspection fees determined by the Board of Commissioners; and to carry out the other duties as may be assigned.
(1984 Code, § 2-4-37) (Ord. passed 8-6-1979; Ord. passed 6-18-1990; Ord. passed 4-19-2021)
The Division shall be staffed with persons properly qualified under G.S. § 160D-1103 in specific phases of the building trades and for related assignments and by the other persons as are necessary to perform secretarial and clerical duties, all appointed in a manner as prescribed in the county personnel regulations.
(1984 Code, § 2-4-38) (Ord. passed 8-6-1979; Ord. passed 6-18-1990; Ord. passed 4-19-2021)
The Director shall authorize and assign staff members of the Division to carry out the duties and exercise the power as may be delegated to him or her by this Division, except in no case shall the Director assign any duties to any inspectors contrary to G.S. § 160D-1103. Each inspector in the Division shall be provided by the county with an identification card bearing information necessary to properly identify the bearer. The identification card shall bear the authority of this section, shall be carried upon the person identified and shall be used when necessary to identify the persons properly while performing his or her official duties.
(1984 Code, § 2-4-39) (Ord. passed 8-6-1979; Ord. passed 6-18-1990; Ord. passed 4-19-2021)