(A) Recommendation by Sheriff. Whenever the Sheriff shall have good cause to believe there exist grounds for revocation of any license acquired under this chapter, he or she shall submit a written recommendation of revocation to the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners and by registered mail shall forward a copy of his or her recommendation to the licensee. The recommendation shall state the specific grounds for the revocation of the license.
(B) Causes. Cause of revocation of the license shall exist for the failure of the licensee to perform any duty required by this chapter, for violation of any provision of this chapter, or for conviction of the licensee of any crime involving moral turpitude. If any licensee or employee of the licensee shall, in the course of the business regulated hereunder, attempt through a physical act performed upon the person of another, to sexually arouse or stimulate the person, the attempt shall also constitute grounds for revocation of the license. Intentional touching of the genitals of a person being massaged shall constitute prima facie evidence of an attempted sexual arousal or stimulation. Grounds shall also exist if, by reason of the nature or the manner or place in which the licensee conducts his or her business a nuisance, menace to good order, public health, safety or morals is created.
(C) Defense. Prior to revocation of any license by the Board of Commissioners, the licensee shall be given an opportunity to appear and be heard, to rebut any evidence against him or her, and to present any evidence or witnesses in his or her defense.
(1984 Code, § 2-7-78) (Ord. passed 5-7-1973)
(A) Separate license required for each location. If the business to be licensed pursuant to this chapter is carried on at two or more separate places, a separate county license for each place or location of the business shall be required.
(B) Term. Every license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be for 12 months and shall expire on December 31 of each year. If a person begins any business or the exercise of any privilege requiring a license under this chapter after January 1 of any year, the license shall be effective for only the remainder of that year.
(C) License constitutes personal privilege. The county license issued under this chapter shall be and constitute a personal privilege to conduct the profession or business named in the license and shall not be transferable to any other person, and shall be construed to limit the person named in the license to conducting the profession or business and exercising the privilege named in the license to the location specified in the license. If the holder of a license under this chapter moves the business for which a license has been obtained to another location, a new license may be issued to the licensee at a new location, for the balance of the license year, upon surrender of the original license for cancellation.
(1984 Code, § 2-7-79) (Ord. passed 5-7-1973)
(A) When a license is required by this section on any business or trade, it shall be unlawful for any person without a license to engage in the business or trade.
(B) If any person shall continue the business or trade after the expiration of a license required by this chapter without obtaining a license, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(1984 Code, § 2-7-80) (Ord. passed 5-7-1973) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Every license issued shall show on the face thereof the name of the licensee, the nature of the business, the location thereof and the time it was issued.
(B) Licenses shall be kept posted where business is carried on. No person shall engage in any business or trade for which the issuance of a license pursuant to this chapter is required without having the license posted conspicuously at the place where the business or trade is carried on.
(C) Any person failing, neglecting or refusing to have the county license required under this chapter posted conspicuously at the place of business for which the license was obtained shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(1984 Code, § 2-7-81) (Ord. passed 5-7-1973) Penalty, see § 10.99