Any property owner or contractor whose plans require a permit pursuant to Section 1335.02 of this Chapter shall submit a topographical map and grading plan of the existing and the proposed grades of the subject property and the abutting ten (10) feet of all adjacent property, to the Clerk-Treasurer, who will submit the plans to the Village Engineer for review and approval prior to submission of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its approval. The Village Engineer shall either approve or disapprove the plan. The initial review and the first inspection shall be paid from the two hundred dollar ($200.00) permit fee. Approval by the Village Engineer is required before a building permit may be issued to any party, but the Planning and Zoning Commission may conditionally approve a project, subject to the subsequent approval of the Village Engineer of the grading plan. For each additional review or inspection by the Village Engineer the charge shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00), payable from the bond. Upon inspection and approval of the finished grade by the Village Engineer, the cash bond shall be returned, less the costs for inspection and approval. If, upon inspection, any deviations or problems are discovered, the Village may apply the cash bond to correct any deviations from the approved plans. (Ord. 2007-11. Passed 11-12-07.)