The owner of any household pet shall keep all pens, enclosures, and shelter structures wherein such animals are kept in a clean and sanitary condition so as not to give off offensive odors which are a source of discomfort to persons residing in the vicinity thereof. The owner of any household pet shall not allow offal, manure, and waste material of such animal to accumulate or remain in the pens, enclosures, and shelter areas, excluding pasture acreage, upon which such animal resides or is confined in any manner which is conducive to the breeding or attraction of flies, mosquitoes, or other noxious insects or in any manner which endangers the public health or safety or which creates an unhealthy environment. The maintenance or permitting of any of the foregoing conditions on any such lot or parcel of ground is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The owner of any household pet shall in a sanitary manner remove or dispose of all offal, manure, and waste material accumulating from such animal at least once every seven days.
(Ord. 2305, passed 4-11-2019)