It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, maintain or harbor, within the corporate limits and the zoning jurisdiction of the municipality more than three of any single species of animal, or a combination of household pets exceeding eight, which are at least six months of age, unless specifically permitted by zoning regulation. A HOUSEHOLD PET shall mean dogs, cats, birds, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, snakes, iguana, and turtles. HOUSEHOLD PET shall also include any domesticated animal that a person owns or that is sold or offered for sale generally for the purpose of being kept indoors as household pets, except as described as a prohibited animal. A DOMESTICATED ANIMAL shall mean a tame animal that is subject to the dominion and control of an owner and accustomed to living in or near human habitation without requiring extraordinary restraint or unreasonably disturbing such human habitation.
(Ord. 2305, passed 4-11-2019)  Penalty, see § 96.99