Any person who operates a motor vehicle in such a manner as to indicate a want of ordinary care and caution that a person of ordinary prudence would use under like circumstances shall be deemed guilty of negligent driving.
(Neb. RS 60-4,182) (’72 Code, § 5-714.02) (Am. Ord. passed 10-11-73) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Definitions.
(1) ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE (ATV). Pursuant to Neb. RS 60-103 means any motorized off-highway vehicle which:
(a) Is 50inches or less in width;
(b) Has a dry weight of 1,200 pounds or less;
(c) Travels on four or more non-highway tires; and
(d) Is designed for operator use only with no passengers or is specially designed by the original manufacture for the operator and one passenger.
ATVs are declared to be motor vehicles subject to Nebraska Rules of the Road and traffic laws in addition to this chapter.
(2) UTILITY-TYPE VEHICLE (UTV). Pursuant to Neb. RS 60-135.01 means any motorized off-highway device which:
(a) Is 74 inches in width or less;
(b) Is not more than 180 inches, including the bumper, in length;
(c) Has a dry weight of 2,000 pounds or less; and
(d) Travels on four or more non-highway tires.
UTV does not include ATVs, golf car vehicles, or low-speed vehicles as the same are defined by Nebraska law. UTVs are declared to be motor vehicles subject to Nebraska Rules of the Road and traffic laws in addition to this chapter.
(B) ATVs and UTVs; prohibited operation and exceptions.
(1) ATVs and UTVs may not be operated upon any city streets, sidewalks, public right-of-ways and highways within the corporate limits of the city except as follows:
(a) By an employee of the city in their official capacity for the city and while operating a city owned ATV or UTV;
(b) A contractor or other authorized representative of the city may also use such vehicles in furtherance of a city contracted purpose if expressly allowed to do so by the City Administrator or supervising Department manager;
(c) During parades which have been authorized by the state or the city;
(d) If the operator is removing snow from the road or sidewalk from commencement of storm to up to 48 hours after cessation of a snow storm;
(e) If the operator is addressing storm damage within 48 hours after an emergency event as declared by the Mayor; or
(f) On public trails, sidewalks or public right-of-ways while engaged by the city for snow removal.
(2) Any person operating a ATV or UTV as authorized by this code section shall:
(a) Be at least 18 years of age;
(b) Have a valid Class O operator's license or a farm permit as provided for in Neb. RS 60-4,126;
(c) Have liability insurance coverage for the ATV or UTV while in operation upon a street or highway and provide such insurance proof of coverage upon the demand of any peace officer requesting such proof within five days of such request; such insurance shall be within the limits stated in Neb. RS 60-509, as amended from time to time;
(d) If operating or riding on an ATV or UTV, utilize manufacturer installed seat belts or wear a helmet approved for lawful operation of a motorcycle in the State of Nebraska; and
(e) Only operate such ATV or UTV between sunrise and sunset.
(C) ATVs and UTVs; equipment. Every ATV and UTV shall be equipped with:
(1) A braking system maintained in good operating condition;
(2) An adequate muffler system in good working condition and without a cutout, bypass or similar device, or any modifications to the muffler system which increases the volume of the noise of the exhaust system. No portion of the system shall be permitted to contact the ground when weighted by its operator;
(3) A United States Forest Service-qualified spark arrester;
(4) Headlights and taillights;
(5) A reflective sign must be affixed to the rear of the vehicle; and,
(6) Equipped with a safety flag which extends no less than five feet above the ground and is attached to the rear of such vehicle. The flag shall be day-glow in color, triangular in shape, and of a size with an area of not less than 30 square inches.
(D) ATVs and UTVs; prohibition against operation on and crossing of control led-access highways. An ATV or UTV shall not be operated on any controlled-access highway with more than two marked traffic lanes, and the crossing of any controlled-access highway with more than two marked traffic lanes shall not be permitted.
(E) ATVs and UTVs; crossing highways other than controlled-access highways. For the purpose of this section, the crossing of a non-controlled access highway shall be permitted only if:
(1) The crossing is made at an angle of approximately 90 degrees perpendicular to the direction of travel being made on such highway and at a place where no obstruction prevents a timely and safe crossing;
(2) The vehicle is brought to a complete stop before crossing the shoulder or roadway of said highway;
(3) The operator yields the right of way to all traffic which constitutes an immediate or potential hazard;
(4) In crossing a highway, the crossing shall only be made at an intersection of another roadway; and, both the headlights and taillights must be on when the crossing is made.
(F) ATV and UTVs; accident; report required. If an accident involving an ATV or UTV results an injury to any person resulting in the examination or treatment of the injured person by a physician, or results in the death of any person, then the operator of each ATV or UTV involved in the accident shall give notice of the accident in the same manner as provided in Neb. RS 60-699.
(G) ATV and UTVs; penalty; impoundment. Any person who violates any provision of this section or violates the provisions defined by Chapter 39 or Chapter 60 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska while operating an ATV or UTV shall be subject to the penalties under the provisions of Chapter 39 and Chapter 60 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska and additionally impoundment of the vehicle is hereby authorized and all city-issued registrations for all of the operator's and the owner's ATVs and UTVs shall be revoked as follows:
(1) For the operator's first offense, the operator shall be prohibited from operating ATVs and UTVs within the city for a period of one year from the date of offense; all city-issued registrations of both the operator and the owner shall be revoked for a period of one year from the date of the offense; and the vehicle shall be impounded until it is validly registered or for 14 days, whichever is less, in a privately operated garage or other place designated by or maintained by the city with all costs payable by the owner. The individual shall also be charged with a Class III misdemeanor which carries a possible maximum penalty of a $500 fine and/or three months in jail or both;
(2) For the operator's second offense occurring within ten years of the first offense, the operator shall be prohibited from operating UTVs within the city for a period of five years from the date of offense; all city-issued registrations of both the operator and the owner shall be revoked for a period of five years from the date of offense; and the vehicle shall be impounded until it is validly registered or for 30 days, whichever is less, in a privately operated garage or other place designated by or maintained by the city with all costs payable by the owner. The individual shall also be charged with a Class II misdemeanor which carries a possible maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine and/or six months in jail or both.
(Ord. 2282, passed 8-9-18)
(A) VEHICLE shall mean every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices moved solely by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracts.
(B) All residents of the city, during the hours specified herein, shall provide facilities on the real estate upon which they reside, to include that portion of the street adjacent thereto between the curb lines and the adjacent property lines, denoted as SIDEWALK SPACE, and as defined in § 95.030, for parking of vehicles which they own and/or operate and/or control, without parking said vehicle on a sidewalk in violation of Neb. RS 60-6,166(1)(a)(ii).
(C) No person shall park any vehicle on the traveled portion of streets in the city, between the hours of midnight and 5:00 a.m., Sunday through Saturday, inclusive, except for the following areas in which parking shall be prohibited between the hours as indicated, Sunday through Saturday, inclusive:
(1) Between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.:
(a) Broadway Street from the intersection of 4th Street to the intersection of 7th Street;
(b) Linden Avenue from the intersection of 4th Street to the intersection of 7th Street;
(c) 4th Street from the intersection of Beech Street to the intersection of Maple Street;
(d) 5th Street from the intersection of Beech Street to the intersection of Chestnut Street;
(e) South side of 5th Street from the intersection of Chestnut Street to the intersection of Walnut Street;
(f) 6th Street from the intersection of Beech Street to the intersection of Maple Street;
(g) 7th Street from the intersection of Linden Avenue to the intersection of
Broadway Street.
(2) Between midnight and 6:00 a.m.:
(a) 4th Street from the intersection of Orange Street to the intersection of Beech Street;
(b) Beech Street from the intersection of 4th Street to the intersection of 5th Street;
(c) Elm Street from the intersection of 4th Street to the intersection of 5th Street.
(D) Residents and/or non-residents of the city may obtain permission for, utilize on-street parking, as an exception to this section, in the following instances:
(1) At any location within the city limits of Wahoo, except as expressly prohibited in § 70.06 for a period of time not to exceed 24 hours as an exception to this section, with permission to be obtained in advance from the Police Department;
(2) In public parking stalls located either within or adjacent to the downtown area as determined appropriate by the City Administrator, provided the necessary permit, as described in division (E), has been obtained from the City of Wahoo City Clerk’s Office;
(E) The City Clerk’s office shall issue annual parking permits granting permission to park in the areas as described in division (D)(2) based on the following qualifications:
(1) Parking permits (downtown residential parking permit) shall be made available to the property owners of residential units (as permitted by City of Wahoo zoning regulations) located in the downtown area, with one permit available per sleeping unit of each residential unit. Property owners shall provide the City of Wahoo Police Department with information on each user of a permit, including changes to the user of any permit as may occur from time-to-time. Information to be provided shall include name and address of the permit users, vehicle make, model and license plate of each vehicle to be parked in the designated area; and contact information for each user to contact vehicle owners in the event of a snow, utility, or other emergency.
(2) Each downtown residential parking permit shall require an annual fee paid to the City Clerk’s Office before issuance of the permit of an amount to be set by resolution.
(3) Permits shall be issued based on a calendar year and shall expire each year on December 31.
(4) The permit shall be issued by the City Clerk’s Office in the form of a hanging tag that shall be placed on the rear-view mirror of any vehicle parking in a designated area.
(F) Any vehicle for which city parking citations have been issued previously and for which ten or more citations are currently outstanding, meaning the citations have not been disposed of by payment of the administrative fee and fine, final court action, or by dismissal, shall be deemed to be illegally parked and subject to removal as set forth in § 70.24. Prior to the release of any vehicle removed pursuant to this section, all outstanding citations must be paid for, in full.
(Ord. 1811, passed 8-8-02; Am. Ord. 1817, passed 10-10-02; Am. Ord. 2220, passed 8-11-16; Am. Ord. 2365, passed 2-25-21; Am. Ord. 2373, passed 8-24-21)
For purposes of this chapter, the definitions as found at Neb. RS 60-606 to 60-676, as they now exist, or may hereafter be amended, shall be incorporated herein by reference. Further, specifically, Neb. RS 60-624, Highway defined, shall include for purposes of this chapter, all alleys which are publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel. In addition, the definitions as set forth in § 10.05 of this code shall be incorporated within this chapter by reference.
(Ord. 1818, passed 10-10-02)
(A) Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or when in compliance with law or the directions of a peace officer or traffic-control device, no person shall:
(1) Stop, stand or park any vehicle:
(a) On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street;
(b) On a sidewalk, except in a residentially zoned district of the city, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., of the succeeding day, Sunday through Saturday, inclusive;
(c) Within an intersection;
(d) On a crosswalk;
(e) Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within 30 feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone unless the Governing Body indicates a different length by signs or markings;
(f) Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic;
(g) Upon any bridge or other elevated structure over a highway or within a highway tunnel;
(h) On any railroad track;
(i) At any place where official signs prohibit stopping;
(j) On any highway without first securing a current registration as provided by law; or
(k) For more than 24 hours at one general location.
(l) On the north side of 10th Street, from the intersection of Chestnut Street and 10th Street to the intersection of Laurel Street and 10th Street except as may be permitted by divisions (A)(2) and (3) of this section.
(2) Stand or park a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except momentarily to pick up or discharge a passenger or passengers:
(a) In front of a public or private driveway or alley or be within five feet from the entrance of said public or private driveway or alley;
(b) Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant;
(c) Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection;
(d) Within 30 feet of any flashing signal, stop sign, yield sign, or other traffic- control device located at the side of a roadway;
(e) Within 15 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station and on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station within 25 feet of such entrance when properly signposted; or
(f) At any place where official signs prohibit standing.
(3) Park a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers:
(a) Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing; or
(b) At any place where official signs prohibit parking.
(B) No person shall move a vehicle not lawfully under his or her control into any such prohibited area or away from a curb such a distance as shall be unlawful.
(C) The provisions of this chapter regulating the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles while the driver of such vehicle is operating the same in an emergency in the necessary performance of public duties.
(Ord. 1818, passed 10-10-02; Am. Ord. 1841, passed 6-12-03; Am. Ord. 1932, passed 5-25-06)
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this section, any vehicle stopped or parked upon a two- way roadway where parking is permitted shall be so stopped or parked with the right-hand wheels parallel to and within 12 inches of the right-hand curb or edge of such roadway so as to leave at least 4 feet between the vehicles so parked and any other parked vehicles. No vehicle shall be parked upon a roadway when there is a shoulder adjacent to the roadway which is available for parking.
(B) Except when otherwise provided by the Governing Body, every vehicle stopped or parked upon a one-way roadway shall be so stopped or parked parallel to the curb or edge of such roadway, in the direction of authorized traffic movement, with its right-hand wheels within 12 inches of the right- hand curb or edge of the roadway or its left-hand wheels within 12 inches of the left-hand curb or edge of such roadway.
(C) A Governing Body may permit angle or center parking on any roadway, except that angle or center parking shall not be permitted on any federal-aid highway or on any part of the state highway system within the jurisdiction of the Governing Body of the city, unless the Director-State Engineer has determined that such roadway is of sufficient width to permit angle or center parking without interfering with the free movement of traffic.
(D) The Governing Body may prohibit or restrict stopping, standing, or parking on highways under its jurisdiction and erect and maintain proper and adequate signs thereon. No person shall stop, stand, or park any vehicle in violation of the restrictions stated on such signs.
(Ord. 1818, passed 10-10-02)
(A) Definitions.
(1) All-terrain vehicle (ATV) is defined pursuant to Neb. RS 60-103 and means any motorized off-highway vehicle which:
(a) Is 50" or less in width,
(b) Has a dry weight of 1,200 pounds or less,
(c) Travels on four or more non-highway tires, and
(d) Is designed for operator use only with no passengers or is specially designed by the original manufacture for the operator and one passenger.
(e) ATVs are declared to be motor vehicles subject to Nebraska Rules of the Road and traffic laws in addition to this chapter.
(2) Utility-type vehicle (UTV) is defined pursuant to Neb. RS 60-135.01 and means any motorized off-highway device which:
(a) Is 74" in width or less,
(b) Is not more than 180", including the bumper, in length,
(c) Has a dry weight of 2,000 pounds or less, and
(d) Travels on four or more non-highway tires.
(e) UTV does not include ATVs, golf cart vehicles, or low-speed vehicles as the same are defined by Nebraska law. UTVs are declared to be motor vehicles subject to Nebraska Rules of the Road and traffic laws in addition to this chapter.
(B) Operation and equipment. An ATV or UTV may be operated upon city streets and highways within the corporate limits of the city only if the operator and vehicle is in compliance with the following provisions in addition to the Nebraska Rules of the Road and city codes:
(1) Such ATV or UTV must be registered with City Hall as provided in this chapter, unless the same is owned by the city itself.
(2) An ATV or UTV shall not be operated at a speed faster than 30 miles per hour or the posted speed limit, whichever is less. When in operation, the headlights and taillights of the vehicle shall be on.
(3) Any person operating an ATV or UTV as authorized by this code shall:
(a) Have a valid Class O operator's license as provided for in Neb. RS 60-4,126;
(b) Have liability insurance coverage for the ATV or UTV while in operation upon a street or highway and provide such insurance proof of coverage upon the demand of any peace officer requesting such proof within five days of such request; such insurance shall be within the limits stated in Neb. RS 60-509, as amended from time to time;
(c) Only operate such ATV or UTV between sunrise and sunset;
(d) Only operate such ATV or UTV less than 30 mph; and
(e) Only have as many riders as the manufacturers intended.
(3) Every ATV and UTV shall be equipped with:
(a) A braking system maintained in good operating condition;
(b) An adequate muffler system in good working condition and without a cutout, bypass or similar device, or any modifications to the muffler system which increases the volume of the noise of the exhaust system. No portion of the system shall be permitted to contact the ground when weighted by its operator;
(c) A United States Forest Service-qualified spark arrester;
(d) Headlights, taillights, and break lights; and
(e) Equipped with a safety flag which extends no less than five feet above the ground and is attached to the rear of such vehicle. The flag shall be day-glow in color, triangular in shape, and of a size with an area of not less than 30 square inches.
(C) Usage in parades; usage on public roads, sidewalks and trails. ATVs and UTVs may be operated without complying with this section only:
(1) During parades which have been authorized by the state or any department, board, commission, or political subdivision of the state,
(2) If the operation is removing snow from driveways or sidewalks within 48 hours after cessation of a snow storm, or
(3) On public trails and streets only if engaged by the public entity for snow removal.
(D) Controlled-access highways and off-limit streets. An ATV or UTV shall not be operated on any controlled-access highway with more than two marked traffic lanes. Unless engaged by the city for municipal government purposes, it shall be unlawful to operate an ATV or UTV anywhere on. Provided, however, the crossing of said streets shall be permissible subject to the restrictions identified herein.
(E) Crossing highways. For the purpose of this section, the crossing of a highway shall be permitted only if:
(1) The crossing is made at an angle of approximately 90° perpendicular to the direction of travel being made on such highway and at a place where no obstruction prevents a timely and safe crossing;
(2) The vehicle is brought to a complete stop before crossing shoulder or roadway of said highway;
(3) The operator yields the right-of-way to all traffic which constitutes an immediate or potential hazard;
(4) In crossing a divided highway, the crossing shall only be made at an intersection of another highway or roadway; and
(5) Both headlights and taillights must be on when crossing is made.
(F) Registration.
(1) Only ATVs or UTVs registered with City Hall or owned by the city shall be authorized for operation on streets or highways within the corporate limits of the city. A registration sticker shall be issued by City Hall upon the owner submitting the following:
(a) Certification from the Wahoo Police Department stating that the ATV or UTV has been inspected and is in compliance with the equipment requirements identified by city code;
(b) Proof of liability insurance coverage for the vehicle specifically listing the vehicle as referenced by year, make, model, and serial number; and
(c) A $100 annual fee for registration of the vehicle.
(2) The registration sticker shall entitle the vehicle to be operated on the streets and highways of the city as provided by code during the calendar year of issuance. The annual fee will not be prorated and is not transferrable. No refunds shall be allowed for any reason. Registration will expire on December 31 of each year.
(3) A reflecting, self-destructing sticker with an assigned number will be provided to the registering owner upon registration of such vehicle at City Hall. This registration sticker shall be affixed on the vehicle's lower driver's side windshield if equipped, or if the vehicle is not equipped with a windshield, then the sticker shall be affixed on the driver's side front of such vehicle. A duplicate sticker at a cost of $25 may be issued by City Hall in the event of a lost or destroyed registration sticker.
(G) Dealer registration.
(1) A dealer of ATVs or UTVs located within the city shall make an application to City Hall for a dealer registration sticker, in lieu of registering each ATV and UTV which the dealer owns, to be used solely for the purposes of transporting, testing, demonstrating, or use in the daily use and conduct of business of the dealer. A dealer registration sticker shall be issued upon the dealer submitting the following:
(a) Certification from the dealer stating that ATVs and UTVs to be operated in accordance with the dealer registration sticker comply with the equipment requirements identified by city code;
(b) Proof of liability insurance coverage for the fleet of ATVs and UTVs to be operated
pursuant to this section; and
(c) A $300 annual fee is paid for the dealer registration sticker.
(2) Displaying the dealer registration sticker entitles the vehicle to be operated as provided by city code on the streets and highways of the city during the calendar year of issuance of the dealer registration sticker for uses described in this section. The annual fee shall not be prorated and no refunds will be allowed for any reason. A dealer registration sticker may be allowed to be placed on a placard or other item so as to allow for its transferability from vehicle to vehicle and shall be displayed upon the vehicle during its operation. A duplicated dealer registration sticker at a cost of $25 may be issued by City Hall in the event of a lost or destroyed dealer registration sticker.
(H) Accident; report required. If an accident involving an ATV or UTV results an injury to any person resulting in the examination or treatment of the injured person by a physician, or results in the death of any person, then the operator of each ATV or UTV involved in the accident shall give notice of the accident in the same manner as provided in Neb. RS 60-699.
(I) Penalty; impoundment. Any person who violates any provision of this section or violates the provisions defined by Neb. RS Ch. 39 or Ch. 60 while operating an ATV or UTV shall be subject to the penalties under the provisions of Neb. RS Ch. 39 and Ch. 60 and additionally all city-issued registrations for all of the operator's and the owner's ATVs and UTVs shall be revoked as follows:
(1) For the operator's first offense, the operator shall be fined $200;
(2) For the operator's second offense occurring within two years of the first offense, the operator shall be fined $400;
(3) For the operator's third offense occurring within two years of the first offense, the operator shall be fined $400, impoundment of vehicle, and all city-issued registrations of both the operator and the owner shall be revoked for a period of two years from the date of offense;
(4) For the operator's fifth offense occurring within five years of the first offense, all city-issued registrations of both the operator and the owner shall be revoked for a period of ten years from the date of offense.
(Ord. 2429, passed 4-25-23)