(A)   Whenever the Code Enforcement Officer determines that there exists a public nuisance as defined in § 156.02, he or she may issue a notice to abate setting forth the conditions that constitute the pubic nuisance and directing the owner of record to correct such conditions. Such notice to abate shall:
      (1)   Be in writing;
      (2)   Describe the building, structure, premises or real estate, including vacant land, or appurtenances thereto determined to be a public nuisance;
      (3)   Describe the conditions that constitute the public nuisance;
      (4)   Order the owner to abate the conditions.
      (5)   Specify a reasonable time for compliance with the order to abate.
      (6)   Advise that each owner of record and each holder of a legal or equitable lien of record has a right to appeal the Notice to Abate by a Notice of Appeal to the Property Maintenance Appeals Board pursuant to § 156.05 of this chapter, and that each owner of record and each holder of a legal or equitable lien of record has the right to have a hearing before the Property Maintenance Appeals Board on any appeal filed and to be represented by legal counsel at that hearing.
      (7)   Advise that any Notice of Appeal to the Property Maintenance Appeals Board must be filed with the Code Enforcement Officer within 15 days of the service of the Notice to Abate, specify the information required to be filed as part of the appeal and the address of the Code Enforcement Officer.
      (8)   Advise that if the order to abate is not complied with by the specified date of compliance or a timely appeal filed, that it is the intention of the city to cause the conditions indicated in the notice to abate to be corrected and to collect the "total costs" as defined in R.C. § 715.261 by certifying said costs as a lien upon the land and/or by commencing a civil action pursuant to R.C. § 715.261.
   (B)   The notice to abate shall be served pursuant to R.C. § 715.26 by certified mail on each owner of record and each holder of a legal or equitable lien at least thirty days prior to the specified date of compliance. If service cannot be accomplished by certified mail, then service shall be made by another method provided for service of complaints under the Rules of Civil Procedure.
(Ord. 10-039, passed 6-15-10)