§ 158.002 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS (C.F.R.) EXCAVATION. A development process and not an ultimate land use including any artificial movement of the earth, including grading, digging, filling, removal or addition of earth material made by tunneling or breaking or undermining the surface of the earth.
   CONSTRUCTION SAND AND GRAVEL. Mineral resources which typically are mined by open pit excavation (or by dredging) carried out with power shovels, draglines, front end loaders and bucket wheel excavators. Typically mined locally from dolomite geological strata, Standard Classification Code categories include: SCC 3-05-025; SIC 1442; and NAICS 21232.1.
   CULTIVATION. The process of disturbing the land for agriculture purposes with no direct removal of mineral resources.
   EQUIVALENT METHOD. A method of sampling and analyzing the ambient air for an air pollutant that has been designated as an equivalent method in accordance with part 53 of the same chapter; it does not include a method for which an equivalent method designation has been cancelled in accordance with §§ 53.11 or 53.16 of the chapter and which is incorporated by reference Minn. Rules part 7009.0050.
   EXTRACTION. The process whereby materials are removed from the subsurface of the earth to be sold or used elsewhere.
   EXTRACTIVE OPERATION/MINE. The surface or subsurface removal only of sand, gravel, rock or other non-metallic minerals, and peat from the site for use as a product elsewhere not regulated under M.S. §§ 93.44 to 93.51, as they may be amended from time to time, through an excavation or quarrying process. Excavations for the purpose of impounding water for agricultural purposes are exempted.
   FILL, FILLING or FILLING OPERATION. The depositing of fill, dredge, sand, gravel, dirt and all other similar material in excess of 1,000 cubic yards or more onto or into a parcel of land.
   HEAVY PROCESSING. Compounding, mixing or treatment of sand, gravels, rocks or any other extracted material with chemicals and/or into consumable products such as concrete, asphalt and other similar products or to an industrial sand or gravel product or to a volume which exceeds 500 tons per day (or 150,000 tons per year) or uses 500 gallons of water per minute (g.p.m.) or more.
   INDUSTRIAL SAND AND GRAVEL. Mineral resources which typically are mined from quartz- rich sand and sandstone including the St. Peter, Jordan and Wonewoc geological strata locally. Standard Classification Code categories include: SCC 3-05-027; SIC 1446; and NAICS 212322.
   INDUSTRIAL USE. The use of land or buildings for the production, manufacture, warehousing, storage or transfer of goods, products, commodities or other wholesale items.
   INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSING DISTRIBUTION OR STORAGE. Establishments involved in the storage or distribution of materials or equipment on a primarily wholesale basis or as support to a service industry includes, but is not limited to: warehousing facilities; freight terminals; fleet storage; contractors yards; wholesale industrial equipment sales and rental; and ancillary business offices.
   MINERAL RESOURCES. Rock, gravel, sand and metallic and non-metallic substances of commercial value.
   NAICS CODE. The North American Industrial Classification System. A system for classifying industries by a six-digit code.
   NON-CONFORMING MINING OPERATIONS. Existing mines which do not meet the standards of this chapter or mining standards of Ch. 162 of this code of ordinances.
   PARTICULATE MATTER. Material, except water, which exists at standard conditions in a finely divided form as a liquid or solid as measured by an applicable reference method, or an equivalent or alternative method or as amended in Minn. Rules part 7005.0100, subpart 31.
   PM 2.5. Finely divided solid or liquid material, with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal two and one-half micrometers as measured by an applicable reference method, or an equivalent or alternative method or as amended in Minn. Rules part 7005.0100, subpart 30a.
   PM 10. Finely divided solid or liquid material, with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal ten micrometers as measured by an applicable reference method, or an equivalent or alternative method or as amended in Minn. Rules part 7005.0100, subpart 30b.
   PROCESSING. The sorting, washing, crushing and/or screening of extracted material to construction grade sand, gravel or stone product.
   RECLAMATION. To renew land to a self-sustaining, long-term use that is compatible with pre- mining situations and/or the city’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
      (1)   Used in the context of performance test measurements. The procedures for performance tests in 40 C.F.R. part 60, app. A, as amended; part 61, app. B, as amended; and part 51, app. M, as amended, or as amended in Minn. Rules part 7005.0100, subpart 35c.
      (2)   Used in the context of measuring ambient air. A method of sampling and analyzing the ambient air for an air pollutant that is specified as a reference method in an appendix to 40 C.F.R. § 50.1 in accordance with part 53 of the same chapter; it does not include a method for which a reference method designation has been cancelled in accordance with § 53.11 of the chapter and which is incorporated by reference Minn. Rules part 7009.0050.
      (1)   Source classification codes are an EPA classification system.
      (2)   Each SCC represents a unique source category-specific process or function that emits an air pollutant. The SCCs are used as a primary identifying data element in EPA’s WebFIRE, the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) and other EPA databases. The SCCs are also used by many regional, state, local and tribal agency emissions data systems.
      (3)   Point source emissions use eight digit codes.
   SIC CODE.   The Standard Industrial Classification is a system for classifying industries by a four-digit code used by many departments of the U.S. Government, including OSHA.
   SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. A document that illustrates, how the site will be designed to prevent or minimize soil erosion on a parcel of land and off-site sediment damages.
(Prior Code, § 345.02)