(A)   The natural and scenic landscape of the city is among its most valuable assets and greatly benefits the residents and a significant number of visitors to the area each year. The degradation of this asset would potentially risk undermining the very characteristics responsible for economic vitality and future potential. The city understands and accepts the increasing demand and need for wireless communication and environmentally responsible energy technologies as well as other such potential activities that would require the use of tower facilities. The purpose of this chapter is to protect and preserve the city’s natural, cultural and scenic assets in accordance with goals and policies of the city’s Comprehensive Plan.
   (B)   This chapter is designed and intended to balance the interests of the residents of the city, telecommunication, other service providers and customers in the siting of towers (including wireless communication services facilities and small wind energy conversion systems) within the city. These standards are also intended:
      (1)   To avoid or minimize any adverse impact of the facilities on: visual; environmental; historically significant areas; health and safety; and property values;
      (2)   To require the use of alternative structures for the purposes of co-location of carriers and minimize the total number of towers located within the city;
      (3)   To allow the construction of new towers only where all other opportunities have been exhausted;
      (4)   To require the users of communication towers and antenna structures to configure them in a way that minimizes the need for additional towers in the city;
      (5)   To provide for the removal of towers and associated development which are no longer being used for their original purposes; and
      (6)   These regulations are not intended to place any restrictions on privately operated and licensed amateur radio operators, satellite dishes or radio and television broadcast facilities as allowed under federal regulations and exempt from local controls.
(Prior Code, § 335.01) (Ord. passed 2-19-2008; Ord. passed 3-1-2011)