§ 152.04 SURETY BOND.
   Any person engaging in any work within the city for which a plumbing permit is required, before the work is commenced, shall execute and file with the city a surety bond in the amount of $2,000, payable to the city and executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the state. The bond shall be conditioned so that the applicant shall, in all respects, well and faithfully perform all things by him or her undertaken in the making of connections, repairs or work of any kind with the municipal water and sewer mains, private water and sewer lines, or any plumbing in the city, and it shall save the city and its property owners and residents harmless from all accidents and damages consequent thereto, or by any reason of any work not approved by the Building Inspector and not promptly corrected, or by reason of any opening in any street or public way made by him or her or by any person in his or her employ for the purpose of installing service lines connected with the municipal water or sewage system. All surety bonds must be renewed at least annually.
(Prior Code, § 210.07)