(A)   Water supplies. The Health Officer shall direct from time to time that samples of water be taken from private wells, from public wells and the public water system, from wells used by more than one family and from places to which the public is invited, frequents or is served. He or she shall have these samples analyzed and catalogued according to the standards established by the state’s Board of Health and make recommendations regarding the water samples as he or she shall deem necessary to the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 400.01)
   (B)   Food, drugs and beverages. The Health Officer may inspect all premises engaged in the manufacture, processing, distribution, storage or sale of food, beverages, drugs, liquors, milk, ice or any other product or products that are intended for human consumption, as well as the utensils, dishes, containers used in the cleaning, preparation, serving or eating of any of the aforementioned products to ensure the purity and cleanliness of the same or the sanitation, cleanliness of the premises, personnel and facilities and to recommend to the owner or proprietor such changes as he or she deems necessary.
(Prior Code, § 400.03)
   (C)   Inspection powers. The Health Officer shall have the right to enter any building, conveyance or place where contagion, infection, filth or other source or cause of preventable disease exists or is reasonably suspected for the purpose of inspection at any reasonable hour and during an emergency at any hour. He or she shall have the authority to report and condemn as unfit for human habitation until corrected any building or residence which does not have an adequate supply of potable running water or where there is not in operation a flush toilet connected to the public sanitary sewer where the sewer is available.
(Prior Code, § 400.05)
   (D)   Authority. The Health Officer shall have the authority to order the abatement of any condition or nuisance that shall constitute a public health threat, cause of sickness or safety hazard to the general public, including children, or to persons working, living, playing or residing at or near the property or object in question. He or she shall have the right to quarantine any person or persons, building or structure when necessary. He or she shall have the power to order the removal or to proscribe areas containing dead or diseased animals, decayed or decaying vegetable matter, poisons, filth, explosives or dangerous substances or conditions dangerous to life or limb, or the extermination of rodents or vermin or any other disease-producing materials or the breeding of germs, harmful bacteria or insects, including flies.
(Prior Code, § 400.07)
   (E)   Abatement of nuisances.
      (1)   The Health Officer shall in the event the owner, proprietor, occupant or agent refuses to obey his or her order, leave a written notice of any dangerous, harmful, unhealthy or offensive condition existing with the Clerk setting forth:
         (a)   Name of violator (if known);
         (b)   Location;
         (c)   Nature of condition existing; and
         (d)   The type of corrective action necessary.
      (2)   The Clerk shall cause a police officer to personally serve the notice on the owner, proprietor, occupant (if available) or on the agent (if known), otherwise to post the notice on the premises. All notices shall contain the following: in the event of failure to remove, abate, correct or eliminate the above condition as directed by the Health Officer within ten days from this date, then the city shall abate the dangerous, harmful, unhealthy or offensive condition at the expense and cost to the owner of the real property, not to exceed $100, and any violator shall be subject to all the penal provisions of this code of ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 400.09)
   (F)   Power of arrest. The Health Officer shall have the power of arrest for violation of this section and any violation of state laws or regulations of the state’s Board of Health having the force and effect of law.
(Prior Code, § 400.11)
   (G)   Non-interference. It is unlawful to obstruct, interfere with or impede the Health Officer in the performance of his or her official duties or to remove any sign posted by order of the Health Officer relating to any area or building without the prior approval of the Health Officer or the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 400.13)
Penalty, see § 91.99