§ 90.05 KENNELS.
   (A)   The keeping of more than three dogs or four cats on the same premises, whether owned by the same person or not and for whatever purpose kept, shall constitute a “kennel”; except that, a fresh litter of pups or kittens may be kept for a period of three months before the keeping shall be deemed to be a “kennel”.
   (B)   Because the keeping of more than three dogs or four cats on the same premises is subject to great abuse, causing discomfort to persons in the area by way of smell, noise, hazard and general aesthetic depreciation, the keeping of more than three dogs or four cats on the premises is hereby declared to be a nuisance and no person shall keep or maintain a kennel within the city unless a special permit is first obtained from the city.
   (C)   Permits for kennels shall only be issued where allowed as specified in Ch. 162 of this code of ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 705.06) Penalty, see § 90.99