§ 32.018 DUTIES.
    The Economic Development Committee shall have and perform the following duties to the extent it deems necessary:
   (A)   The development of plans and programs to encourage the expansion and strengthening of existing business and commercial enterprises in the township consistent with the best interests of the township as a whole.
   (B)   The development of plans and programs which will attract new business and commercial enterprises to the township which are in the best interests of the township as a whole.
   (C)   The investigation, analysis and submission of regular reports to the Township Committee on any obstacles to the expansion of the industrial and commercial tax base of the township.
   (D)   The making of recommendations to the Township Committee regarding any ways or means by which the township can assist in meeting the needs of any development deemed appropriate.
   (E)    The Economic Development Committee may participate in appropriate county and regional economic development activities.
   (F)   The Economic Development Committee shall develop ways and means of promoting and attracting the township’s economic development assets for industry, resort/tourism, transportation, governmental and other potential economic interests.
   (G)   The Economic Development Committee shall not exercise any power of condemnation and shall not be authorized to pledge the credit of the township or to create any debt against the township or in any manner act as the agent of the township, except as specifically authorized by resolution of the Township Committee.
   (H)   The Economic Development Committee is authorized to expend such monies as may be appropriated for its use in the annual township budget to carry out the purposes of the Committee as hereinabove set forth.
   (I)   The Economic Development Committee shall make an annual report to the Mayor and Township Committee setting forth, in detail, its operations and transactions for the preceding 12 months. The Committee shall keep complete and accurate records of its accounts, shall not exceed its budget and monies received from the township and shall be expended only for the purposes for which they have been appropriated.
   (J)   The Economic Development Committee shall inquire into, survey and publicize the extent, advantages and utility of the vacant lands of the municipality, whether municipality-owned or otherwise; classify the vacant lands according to their adaptability for economic development; study and analyze the surrounding municipalities with a view to ascertaining the opportunities for the economic development of the municipality; advertise the economic advantages and opportunities of the municipality and the availability of real estate within the municipality for economic development; encourage accomplish the economic development of the township. The Committee may also confer with the Tax Assessor and study the tax structure with a view toward making recommendations to reduce the tax burden of the municipality.
(Ord. 308-17, passed 9-11-17; Am. Ord. 419-2023, passed 2-13-23)