The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
   (A)   At the request of the Planning Board, compile and keep an index of all open areas, publicly or privately owned, including open marshlands, swamps and other wetlands, compile information on the proper use of such areas, and recommend to the Planning Board plans and programs concerning open space to include in the Township Master Plan and recommend to the Township Committee plans and programs for the development and use of such areas.
   (B)   At the request of Township Committee, or at the recommendation by the Commission and approval of Township Committee, undertake the following projects:
      (1)   Plan and implement programs that inform the public about local conservation programs, promote conservation of and develop the quality of the environmental resources of the Township and promote the preservation and protection of natural resources such as water, flora and fauna.
      (2)   Manage donated or purchased lands for conservation purposes and operate conservation programs.
      (3)   Act as the coordinating agency for the Township on conservation matters and as a liaison between the Township and regional, county, state and federal agencies and programs.
      (4)   Study and make recommendations concerning open space preservation, water resources management, air pollution control, solid waste management, noise control, soil and landscape protection, environmental appearance, marine resources and protection of flora and fauna.
      (5)   The powers and duties in § 32.044 (with respect to acquisition of property). Research, make application for and promote grants and other financial assistance programs which can provide funding to the Commission and/or the Township to fulfill the Commission's duties pursuant to this section.
      (6)   Develop, manage and/or support any subcommittee of the Commission (e.g., Sustainable Voorhees) or other group in furtherance of the purpose of the Commission.
(Ord. 957-99, passed 11-8-99; Am. Ord. 417-2023, passed 2-13-23)