In order to prevent long term disruption of traffic patterns and to encourage the use of parks and/or public or private facilities, and not public streets for special events, for purposes of this chapter, the city may determine that an event substantially interrupts the safe and orderly movement of vehicular traffic contiguous to the streets where the proposed event is to be held if the applicant is requesting to hold an event, other than a parade, in a street that will impact traffic patterns for more than twelve (12) days in a calendar year or has filed similar event applications impacting the same streets within the previous twelve (12) months. The city may find that no substantial interruption is occurring if the applicant for the special event, or a sponsor of the special event, is a property owner or tenant of property with street frontage in the area proposed for closure, or if the requested closures for special events only impact alleyways. (Ord. 2023-12 § 3, 2023)