Section 12.48.080   Special event authorization.
   A.   A special event shall be authorized if, after consideration of the application documentation provided by or requested of the applicant, along with any other relevant information in the committee's possession, the committee finds that:
      1.   The conduct of the special event is not likely to substantially interrupt the safe and orderly movement of traffic contiguous to the area or streets where the proposed event is to be held;
      2.   The conduct of the special event is not likely to require the diversion of so great a number of city police officers to properly police the streets and area being used, as to prevent normal police protection to the city;
      3.   The concentration of individuals, animals, and vehicles is not likely to unduly interfere with proper fire and police protection of, or ambulance services to the area, or areas contiguous thereto;
      4.   That the applicant has provided for an adequate number of monitors to control the orderly conduct of such event;
      5.   The conduct of such special event is not likely to cause injury to individuals or property;
      6.   If the special event is a parade, that it will likely move from its point of origin to its point of termination expeditiously and without unreasonably stopping in route;
      7.   The special event is not to be held for the sole purpose of advertising any product, goods, wares, merchandise, or event, and is not designed to be held purely for private profit;
      8.   If the applicant has previously received a special event authorization, that the applicant complied with all provisions of this chapter and with all conditions placed on the authorization, has timely paid all applicable fees, charges, and penalties imposed in relation to the authorization, or has entered into a repayment plan for all unpaid amounts and is current on all payments under such plan.
      9.   The special event complies with the provisions set forth in Section 12.48.100 (Insurance, indemnification, risk mitigation).
   B.   Terms or conditions placed on a Special Event by the Committee shall only be included to the extent that:
      1.   The term or condition is necessary for the Committee to make the findings required by subdivision (A) above; or
      2.   The term or condition is necessary to defray municipal expenses reasonably incurred as a direct result of authorizing the special event. (Ord. 2018-05 § 2 (part), 2018)