17.38.020   Application procedures.
   A.   Application for a conditional use permit shall be made to the planning commission on a form prescribed by the commission which shall include the following data:
   1.   Name and address of the applicant;
   2.   Statement that the applicant is the owner of the property or is the authorized agent of the owner;
   3.   Address and legal description of the property;
   4.   The application shall be accompanied by such sketches or drawings as may be necessary by the planning division to clearly show the applicant's proposal;
   5.   The purposes of the conditional use permit and the general description of the use proposed;
   6.   Additional information as required by the historic preservation advisory committee.
   7.   Additional technical studies or reports, as required by the Site Plan Review Committee.
   8.   A traffic study or analysis prepared by a certified traffic engineer, as required by the Site Plan Review Committee or Traffic Engineer, that identifies traffic service levels of surrounding arterials, collectors, access roads, and regionally significant roadways impacted by the project and any required improvements to be included as a condition or mitigation measure of the project in order to maintain the required services levels identified in the General Plan Circulation Element.
   B.   The application shall be accompanied by a fee set by resolution of the city council sufficient to cover the cost of handling the application. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7526)