17.36.070   Industrial zones.
   The following standards shall apply to sites within an I-L or I zone:
   A.   Where a site within an I-L or I zone adjoins an R-A, R-1 or R-M zone a concrete block or masonry wall not less than seven feet in height shall be located on the property line except in a required front yard and suitably maintained.
   B.   A use not conducted entirely within an enclosed structure, on a site across a street or alley from an R-A, R-1 or R-M zone shall be screened by a concrete block or masonry wall not less than seven feet in height, if the site plan review committee finds said use to be unsightly.
   C.   Open storage of materials and equipment shall be permitted only within an area screened by a concrete block or masonry wall not less than six feet in height, which is adjacent to a public street or a residence provided that no materials or equipment shall be stored to a height greater than that of the wall or fence.
   D.   No fence or wall shall exceed seven feet in height if located in a required side or rear yard or three feet in height if located in a required front yard. A fence or wall may be allowed to a height of four feet; provided, that the additional one-foot height is not of a solid material.
   E.   Exceptions may be granted in accordance with Chapter 17.42. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7518)