17.02.100   Addition of permitted/conditional uses.
   A.   Upon application or on its own initiative, the city planning commission may add to the list of permitted or conditional uses, if the commission makes the following findings:
   1.   That any addition to the list of permitted or conditional uses will be in accordance with the purposes of the zone in which the use is proposed;
   2.   That the use will be an appropriate addition to the list of permitted or conditional uses because the use has the same basic characteristics as the uses permitted in the zone;
   3.   That the use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare;
   4.   That the use will not adversely affect the character of zone in which it is to be permitted;
   5.   That the use will not create more odor, dust, dirt, smoke, noise, vibration, illumination, glare, unsightliness or be more objectionable than the uses permitted in the zone;
   6.   That the use will not create any greater hazard of fire or explosion than the hazards normally associated with the uses permitted in the zone;
   7.   That the use is within conformance with the purpose, intent and policies of the general plan.
   B.   Additions may be made to the list of permitted or conditional uses by resolution of the planning commission, subject to ratification by the city council. The planning commission and city council may, at their discretion, hold a public hearing on a proposed addition. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7209)