A. The City Council may by resolution adopt an area of benefit for the purpose of defraying the actual or estimated costs of public improvements. An area of benefit may be used for the following purposes:
1. To reimburse a subdivider or developer who installs public or public utility improvements that benefit property outside the subdivision or development.
2. To reimburse the city or county that constructs public or public utility improvements that benefit property.
3. To establish a fund for the future construction of a needed public or public utility improvement.
B. Public or public utility improvements for which area of benefits can be established are as follows:
1. curb, gutter and sidewalk
2. street structural sections
3. tree wells and sprinkler systems
4. fences
5. street lighting
6. street signs
7. traffic signals
8. storm drainage facilities
9. sanitary sewer facilities
10. water facilities
11. fire hydrants
12. storm drain and sanitary sewer pump stations
13. railroad crossings
14. bridges, culverts and major thoroughfares
15. fire stations
16. police substations
C. By resolution, the City Council shall establish the boundaries of the area of benefit, the estimated or actual cost, a fair method of allocation of costs, fee apportionment, and the applicable fee to be paid. The cost shall include design, construction, inspection, acquisition of land or easements, contingencies, and incidental expenses.
D. The area of benefit fees shall include a city administrative charge of ten percent of the total cost.
Where used in this chapter, the phrase "subdivider or developer" shall also mean "city or county" as used in Subsection A above. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 9710 § 1 (part), 1997)