16.36.160   Monuments.
   A.   Subdivision Boundaries and Street Centerlines.
   1.   Permanent monuments in accordance with the standard specifications and improvement standards shall be set at all angle and curve points on the exterior boundaries of the subdivision, at all street intersections, at all angle points of street lines, and at all simple and compound curve points of street centerlines.
   2.   Monuments in street intersections and at angle and curve points of street lines shall be set on street centerlines unless otherwise directed by the city engineer; provided, however, such permanent monuments need not be set at angle and curve points on the exterior boundaries of the subdivision when such points on the exterior boundaries of the subdivision have been previously monumented and accepted by the city.
   B.   Lot Markers. The registered engineer or licensed surveyor shall set at all corners a marker not less substantial and enduring than a one-half (0.5) inch iron pipe eighteen (18) inches long with a non-corroding material and the registered engineer's or licensed land surveyor marker on the head thereof.
   C.   Replacement of Monuments. Any monument as required by the provisions of this chapter, which is disturbed or destroyed as a result of subdivision improvement work shall be replaced by a registered engineer or licensed surveyor at the subdivider's expense.
   D.   Setting of Monuments. Monuments shall be set before the council acceptance of the improvements. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2013-07, 2013)