16.28.040   Tentative parcel maps.
   A.   The person or agency dividing land under this section shall file a tentative parcel map with the community development director not less than thirty (30) days before the date of the commission meeting at which such map is to be considered. Such filing shall be prior to the start of any grading or construction work within the proposed division of land. The tentative parcel map shall be submitted in the same manner as provided for subdivisions as to area improvement and design, flood and water drainage control, and as to required public improvements.
   B.   A person desiring to divide land subject to the provisions of this chapter shall submit the tentative parcel map, therefore in accord with the following requirements:
   1.   Filing. Twenty-five (25) copies of the tentative parcel map shall be filed with the community development director. The tentative parcel map shall be legibly drawn, on eighteen (18) inch by twenty-six (26) inch tracing paper suitable for reproduction, to a scale and in a manner to best illustrate the proposed division.
   2.   Fees. At the time of filing of the tentative parcel map, a fee shall be paid to the city in such amount as may be established by the City Council, on a yearly basis, by resolution.
   3.   Acceptance. The city engineer and community development director shall examine any such tentative parcel map within five working days of presentation and shall not accept such map unless the map is in full compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the Subdivision Map Act of the state of California, as to form, data, information, and other matters required to be shown on or furnished therewith.
   4.   Distribution. The community development director shall immediately forward copies of the tentative parcel map to each of the following when affected:
   a.   Southern California Gas Company;
   b.   Southern California Edison Company;
   c.   California Water Service;
   d.   AT&T;
   e.   Comcast Cable;
   f.   Visalia Unified School District.
   5.   Agency Action. With the exception of school districts, the agency receiving a copy of the tentative parcel map shall file a report within fifteen (15) days after the receipt thereof. School districts shall respond within twenty (20) working days of the date on which the notice was mailed to the school district for comment. If a reply is not received prior to the meeting at which consideration of the map is made, it will be assumed that the map conforms to the requirements of the particular agency concerned. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 9605 § 32 (part), 1996: prior code § 9225)