15.52.090   Streets.
   A.   Entrance streets shall be located not less than one hundred fifty (150) feet from public street intersections, and the location and design thereof shall be approved by the city. Entrance streets, and other collector streets within the mobile home park shall be not less than thirty-six (36) feet minimum width.
   B.   All other streets within the mobile home park shall be of thirty (30) feet minimum width.
   C.   Cul de sacs shall be a maximum of six hundred (600) feet in length with a fully paved turn-around at the end of eight feet minimum diameter.
   D.   Parking shall be permitted on both sides of entrance and collector streets and on only one side of other streets, and shall be so signed. Such parking may be calculated in total mobile home park or individual mobile home property requirements.
   E.   Streets shall be designed in accord with the current structural cross-section requirements for city subdivision streets, except that widths shall be as per this code section and concrete center-gutters of not less than twenty-four (24) inches width and such greater width as may be determined by the city to be necessary to carry storm drainage may be substituted for standard curb and gutter. (Prior code § 7185(a))