15.44.020   Definitions.
   Whenever in this chapter the words or phrases hereinafter in this section defined are used, they shall have their respective meanings assigned to them in the following definitions:
   "Abate" means to repair or replace, remove, destroy or otherwise remedy the condition in question by such means and in such manner and to such an extent as the enforcement officer deems necessary to conform with state housing law, or this chapter if applicable, as is necessary in the interest of the general health, safety and welfare of the community.
   "Abatement standards" means those minimum requirements set forth in the state housing law and the standards set forth herein by which property shall be abated and maintained in order to comply with said laws.
   "Displaced" means a tenant is displaced, or ordered to move out of a rental complex by an order to vacate.
   "Enforcement officer" means the city planner of the city and shall include any official or officials in the department duly appointed by said city planner or the city manager to administer the provisions of this chapter.
   "Housing quality standards" means the existence of any buildings or structures which are structurally unsafe or which constitute a fire hazard or which otherwise adversely affect the health, safety or well being of a human life, or which in relation to existing use constitute a hazard to safety or health or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, fire or disaster damage, rodent infestation, or abandonment, as defined in Section 17920.3 of the California Health and Safety Code.
   "Notice and order to vacate" means a written notice sent by an authorized city official to the owner and posted on the affected property declaring that, due to failure to repair or maintain, the individual dwelling unit or rental complex shall be vacated.
   "Owner" means the owner of the rental unit(s) at the time an order to vacate is issued, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll, and any successor in interest.
   "Premises" means any apartment houses, hotels, motels, and dwellings, and buildings and structures accessory thereto. This shall also include mobile and manufactured homes.
   "Public nuisance" means any of the following conditions:
   1.   Maintaining premises as to permit the same to become unsightly or in such condition of deterioration or disrepair that the condition causes damage to proximal properties or improvements; or
   2.   The existence of any garbage, rubbish or waste materials upon any premises contrary to the provisions of Chapter 8.28 pertaining to health and sanitation; or
   3.   The existence of any buildings which are abandoned or boarded up or partially destroyed; or broken down or discarded furniture, equipment, waste materials, toys or other debris in front yards; including automobiles which are parked in areas other than areas specifically designed for use as driveways; or any illegally parked, inoperative or abandoned vehicles as defined in Chapter 10.32 of the Visalia Municipal Code; or overgrown vegetation visible to the public; or garbage cans strewn over the yards and visible from the street; or unfinished buildings not under active construction; or dead trees, weed and debris; or packing boxes stored in yards and visible to the public; or deliberate neglect of premises to spite neighbors or influence zone changes; or
   4.   Any condition as defined in the Uniform Housing Code, Chapter 4, Definitions for Nuisance, or any condition as defined in the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, Chapter 3, Definitions for Dangerous Buildings or any drug-related nuisance as defined in Section 15.44.250 of this Chapter.
   Nothing contained in the definitions above shall be construed to be in conflict with the State Housing Law, Health and Safety Code, Section 17910 et seq.
   5.   Any other activity defined as a public nuisance in the Visalia Municipal Code and the abatement of which by this chapter is not specifically preempted by state law.
   "Responsible person" means the owner of any premises and/or any agent, lessee or other person occupying or having charge or control of the same.
   "Tenant" means any resident of an affected rental unit who is a tenant as that term is used in Chapter 2 of Title 5 of Part 4 of the California Civil Code (1940, et. seq.).
   "Vacate date" means the date by which a tenant is required to vacate a unit or structure, pursuant to an order to vacate. (Ord. 9605 § 31 (part), 1996: prior code § 7919)