13.16.550   Injection, disposal and air conditioning wells.
   Injection, disposal and air conditioning wells are subject to the requirements of Sections 13.16.340 to 13.16.360 both inclusive, 13.16.410, 13.16.440, that portion of 13.16.450 applicable to individual domestic wells, and that portion of 13.16.500 application to wells having submersible pumps. In addition, disposal water injected into any water bearing formation through a disposal, injection or air conditioning well shall not cause the temperature of the adjacent ground water at any point greater than fifty (50) feet in a horizontal direction from such well to increase more than eight degrees Fahrenheit. Disposal water which so heats the ground water is a contaminant. It is unlawful to introduce into a disposal well greater than forty (40) feet in depth or penetrating a water bearing formation, sewage, contaminants, toxic materials or other substances which will alter the existing ground water quality or cause the existing ground water in the disposal area to be contaminated. A sampling tap shall be provided on all disposal and injection wells in such a manner that water, representative of the water entering the well, may be withdrawn. (Prior code § 7815)